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Everything posted by Silverado55

  1. those cars were awesome!! where can i get one? or three? i hate it when people put 5 grand into a car that cost 3...
  2. it's not? crap. i gotta have a talk with the salesman here... just to clarify, i was joking, im not retarded. well, not SUPER retarded.
  3. its definetely not surprising, just gross. homosexuals are gay...
  4. i think you're in the wrong forum, but i could be wrong. someone is trying to sell one in a diff forum. here's the link: http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=23822
  5. send him a PM (personal message) you can do it from this link. http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/index.php?showuser=735
  6. wow your a super whore!! Takes one to know one! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> good to see im not the only one that thought 6 posts were too many.and im gonna go with mr. p, you both are.
  7. i found the video. that was difficult. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8221048952001789032
  8. thats like a video i saw of a honda civic. it killed a viper, but at the end of the day, one guy was still driving a viper, and the other a honda, a very fast honda.
  9. Really? I havent heard that before, but thats awesome considering how cheap their gas is compared to the other stations here in town. ampm charges p to 10 cents a gallon more at times, but then again, its right by the high school. and we have like, 3 or 4 valeros in town.
  10. your front seems higher? thats odd considering that generally on a truck, the front is lower, not only because of the weight of the engine, but to give you some support in the back for when you decide to tow/haul.
  11. can you post pictures? maybe some more information on the truck? how much are you looking to get for it? i'd love to see some pictures.
  12. i actually like the idea of that and was looking at it myself. what color do you plan on having it at most of the time?
  13. Well thank you Mr. P for the welcome. I also posted in the newbie forum, if you get bored. Cameron
  14. Well i've been looking for an SS now for awhile and i came across this on ebay: "Silverado SS on ebay" It says its a 2004, but nothing seems to be right, especially the front. so ya, i think he's trying to pass off an older clone as a newer SS. what do you think?
  15. well i'll start off by introducing myself. my name is cameron, i'm 17, and i live in so. cali. although i dont have an SS, i'm working on that. right now i drive an '01 Ranger, but im doing everything in my power to procure an SS. i've been obsessed with these trucks since i discovered them about a year or so ago, and i found this website a few months ago while browsing through classifieds. i also want to let it be known that the reason i used 55 in my name isn't due to my ignorance, but rather the ignorance of another, a dealership empolyee, in fact. my buddy and i were at the chevy dealership here, and while we were looking at the SS Intimidator, he walked over to us and started telling us about this amazing "Silverado 55", and he continued to do so until someone else corrected him. his face turned all red and we couldn't hold in our laughter, so since then, we've simply stuck to "55" as a nickname. well its a pleasure to be here, and i plan on being a regular, especially if i obtain the vehicle which everyone else here seems to love just as much, if not more than me. Cameron
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