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Everything posted by brobradh77

  1. Now that thats been all cleared up.....Crandell and then Titty bar? lol
  2. Sounds like a great idea if everone is still friends by then...LOL
  3. Autopick isnt a completely bad thing..it does pick the best available player but everyone has strategies so I completely missed out on that but oh well...I've got some people that can produce..we will just see...It will be fun regardless
  4. OH Well...I'm disapointed that I missed the draft...I set everything to CDT but I guess it didnt stay....I'll play with what I got and who knows...could be the best team I ever had..LOL
  5. looking forward to dominating this year..lol
  6. Yeah I have the reichard racing 100mm...BUt I recently had to replace one and since they didnt have any more I bought metco,,a newer looking style than those..and I did not put the one by the alternator yet because I am going to have to mod the spacer different;y than just washers..but the style the OP is showing I didnt have the problems I am now.
  7. You need just one extra for the backside..atleast on mine...the radix brackets are a little diffferent on the newer versions than the old...my puley next to the alt. needed the spacer and some washers becaise the pulley hits...so it may take some modding to make it right.
  8. New meaning to dishonarable discharges..lol
  9. Nothing more loyal than a dog....100% proof right there
  10. It looks like the "SS" is upside down on the tail gate but I cant tell for sure.....I guess badging is the only thing that makes our trucks different.
  11. I agree with Danny..e member selling a part here and ther eis one thing..but when memebrs go out of there way to advertise a buisness like this memebr here..I think its BS and I have reported him to a moderator but it has been a few days and nothing
  12. I like the TA ones http://www.taperformance.com/proddetail.asp?prod=TA_1803
  13. I honestly can not believe your even asking this question
  14. Here are some pics from under the cover and around the top side...from the back opening (closest to firewall) it goes from 6" to 6.25" and then the widest opening is 8" and then narrows down to 4"...Hope that helps
  15. IMO...a memebr should be able to interact with other memebers with complete confidence they are not getting screwed over...Yes ultimatley its buyer beware but I/we have become too accustomed to members heklping each other out with pricing that I don't feel the need to check them out..I guess we should
  16. DamnSorry..I just re-read your post..I thoiught you were looking for a set along with where to put them.....I would just find pics of the front doors and tailgate and make them match in location..no need for tape measures etc..maybe run a piece of masking tape to keep everything in line. When we removed the badging I had to reposition the SS on tailgate and one of the doors...we just eye balled it to be even with other side and made sure it was straight.
  17. I will try tonight..The only camera I have is my cell phone and I might as well draw you a sketch..lol ...I will try and use my daughters camera.
  18. your best bet is to go thru a dealership....I removed mine as well...I am into straight lines and the cursive intimidator just didnt do it for me.
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