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Posts posted by slammedbowtie

  1. i wish i could go into more detail about the things that went on between us. it is over and i need to move on. that's the hard part. everywhere i go she is there. i don't feel i did anything wrong. i don't feel i harassed her. but that's my opinion. i just wish she had said "leave me alone". that's it. i cant help how i feel and i am trying so hard to get over this. and i appreciate all your advice and help. i prob should not have gone into the detail that i did. and i apologize to everyone and thank everyone at the same time.

  2. 22! after i got mine i was so happy. they looked awesome after takin the 20's off. but now im used to it and was like maybe i should have gotten 24's but then the drop isnt noticed cuz your raising it up. 22's imho

  3. sorry kevin i know we talked on the phone a while ago about this. i didnt tell you the extent. i wasnt comfortable breaking down. but i cant hold it in anymore. so i figured i would just let everyone in on whats going on. i am a mess. she has decided to start comin to the gym when i am there. prob cuz she saw my reaction yesterday when she came. so kinda going out of her way to make me miserable. i switched my gym time for that reason. anyway... we def gotta hangout soon doc! i need to install a drop in that truck! haha

  4. too bad i chose to write my notes in a facebook note. i set it to private, but she has my password. and took it to the police and i got called down for a harassment complaint. thats it. but wtf. she never asked me to leave her alone. she had no right doing that. i am trying to get into law enforcement. and going to a therapist or having a complaint filed against me is def not helping. she is ruining my life and i mean that. i am doing my best to keep everything about he out of my life but its not working. i need to move! im on here cuz i had to leave the gym cuz you know who decided to go late tonight and i couldnt handle it. i had to leave asap!

  5. i know its not unique. i know it happens alot. like i said i have def had my share of heartache. at first i thought everything was my fault the way she made it seem. then i thought i figured it out and it was all her. when in actuality it was both of us. but everyone was sick how in love we were. her friends and family said they never saw her glow the way she did when we met. everyone was shocked to hear about the breakup. even her family. she had a rough past. she is all about self improvement. instead of wasting time trying to fix it she would rather move on and just live her life. sucks for me, i thought we had something worth fighting for. and there was nothing really to fight over. the reasons she gave me were things that could have easily been fixed if we had talked about it earlier. i could write a book on this. everyone told me to write my feelings down. i got at least 3 pages. im not going to go into anymore detail. the hard part is that everyone hates me, and she is absolutely without a doubt hates me to death. all i did was try to show her how much she meant, and that things could be better than they were before. but i never got that chance. and no matter what anyone says, i can not get over her. she was my world. just all the questions that will never get answered are eating away at me.

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