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Everything posted by Chevcup47

  1. ok what was that guy thinking? when he did that? to that? what ever it was?before he got it ?
  2. ok i took a couple of pics of my truck. is there anyone i could send em to and see if they might be able to make me a sig? thanks alot dale
  3. Welcome to the site ......... Indiana here
  4. Hot rod i like your way of thinking.....sounds like a really good idea wish it would work ............
  5. LOL a collection manager on weed making 50k a year and still has job? sounds like your boss is smoking better stuff than you. if all he did was give you a few days off. should have fired you and forced you to grow the hell up................oh and for you info i dont push a broom either. i have unemployed xpot smokes do it for me. to help them serve there community service time while they look for a new job...........................ok im done with that off my chest.............. "i just hate stupid people."
  6. Sounds to me if your really that stupid you should have been fired. sure hope you dont do anything important at work. must just be a broom pusher in a wearhouse or something. wait even they are smart enough not to take weed to work.
  7. 30 round clip hum. theres only 20 cars in my feature every night. wonder if i could hide that under the seat of the race car to use if needed? im sure it could take out a tire or two on the compitition ...............
  8. sorry for asking again. but i have sent in my paymet to become a basic supporting member back in Dec and its still pending who do i need to talk to about this? i sent a check but there has been plenty of time for it to clear my bank still dosent show it being cashed .
  9. who do i need to talk to. and what do they need to maby make me a sig ? i dont have any really good pics of my truck. but could try to get some if needed. i was wanting something that maby shows its a special Intimidator addition. any help would be greatfull Dale
  10. Id mess with em also. next time they call or you call them id just say. Truck what truck i dont have any truck what ya talking about ........................
  11. if it has hyd lifters it shouldnt have that bad a valve train sound. But if your running solid lifters it will make alot more noise in the valve train. and sometimes the alum being less dense will make it sound even worse. but id still have it checked to make sure the lifters are adjusted right . sounds really loose to me even if its a solid lift cam
  12. Do you have a solid or hyd lift cam ? the pop in the exhaust dosent sound quite right may need some adjusting how long has it been ran?
  13. I think mine looks just great on stock 20's ................
  14. I sure rember the whoopings i got growing up. made me think twice about what i did and didnt do most of the time. but i quickley rembered when Mom came after me with that old pice of orange Hot Wheels track. most of the time she didnt even have to smack me with it after the fist couple of times. all she had to do was come after me with it. and i changed my tune really fast. thats whats wrong with the younger generation now and days the laws are stepping in and making it inpossible for parents to disiplin there children. beating is one thing but a good ass whooping when deserved is totaly diffrent. JMO
  15. Im hopping on seeing it. hey Hot rod truck nice to see someone not too far away. Terre Haute here. i may be over your way next saturday at the fair grounds for the swap meet.
  16. here my garage its 26 deep by 32 wide with a 8x20 storage on back for junk and compresor and a 20x20 on the far end for a game room cant see much it needs cleaned bad right now As you can see im outta room really bad. planning on adding a 24x24 to the front in the near future.
  17. I cant believe it but gas is finally going down here for some reason. i about wrecked the SSS today coming home. when i saw that reg was 1.91 a gal and prem was 2.11 a gal at a station here in town. whats gooing on around everyone else ? is the future looking up for filling up?
  18. Being mine is a special addition ill be keeping it forever. even if its broken down and done! it will be placed in its own little spot and stay there untill im long gone. heck if possible i may see about being burried with it. or beside it insted of my wife..........lol
  19. I also liked it ...........gotta love a dirt track car teaching a pavement car to race ....." Ya gotta turn right to go left in racing " .............so so so trure
  20. I'm looking for someone that knows where or how i can get the "INTIMIDATOR SS" decal that matches whats on my truck for the windshield any help would be great thanks
  21. damn it didnt work sorry guys and gals
  22. Sometimes a name change really is the best idea.. (Sometimes a name change really is the best idea...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wonder who this is aimed at? *lol* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major dilemma in California . (I think we know which one most Californicators choose.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you get there from here? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything you need for your "shotgun" wedding! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a good deal, but... oh, the college costs! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pork the one you love? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well I hope so!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sad cow disease! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good Job!! ; ; ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shouldn't that read "Kids eat free with gas"? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm Confused... (Wow, look at those gas prices?!!?) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just who is their target audience? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I won't even comment on this one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okeeee Dokeee! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guess speling iz knot importunt fer astranawts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make up your mind!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't drink and make signs...
  23. my new sponsor is. American Legion Auxiliary post 104. a great bunch of ladies hoping to hear from The S.A.L. from that same post some of them were intrested in sponsoring also. keep your fingers crossed for me. and again thanks for the congrats its been a long time comming
  24. thanks for the congrats. it really makes you feel good when something like this happens after trying for so long. Pics at the track will be awhile. we dont start running untill mid april.will be going to a few shows before then and will be sure to get pics to post.
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