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Posts posted by MJG-SS

  1. i respect my fellow man! ok,apperantly some dont !


    example scenerio, tell me what you would think and would do, although i already know the awnser


    obama achieves cutting our nuclear weapons by mass quantity as he wants, russia desides to invade georgia again seing that obama is a 'tree hugging im sorry for everithyng' man , and this time for good, obama says harsh words and does nothing, iran obtains the bomb an israel attacks, fails to enable all the nukes they may or may not have and get nuked themselvs, obama does nothing again and only says harsh words, north korea sees this and invades south korea and threatens to use its nuclear stock pile against japan and south korea, obama finally grows some balls to little to late, and declares war against north korea, russia and iran all that the same time, throws our troops in unnesesary world war, why, cuz he cant take the pressure by everyone asking him why he allowed all the BS


    i now you guys would proudly stand up, get your m-16, and go get some, as would i, but woulnt this thought be in the back of your head ' why did obama allow this to get this far?' id be in the back of my head.


    yes i have a very wild and disturbing imagination, but thats just the way i believe and think, and no one can chage that.


    why is he supporting the outsted honduras president ( im half honduran btw)a president who supports chaves, why did he pass up the opputunity to do something in iran.a Anti-american goverment vent on destroying us.whywhywhywhywhwy???



    im just afraid this guy is going in to a major conflict that could be avoided



    and if you think russia is cutting military its military budget, think again




    i know we will win, but at what cost to our troops and fellow americans?



    Somebody believes everything they hear on the news! :(

  2. maui boy born n raised there till i joined the service in 01, tried going back there for recruiting tour so i could live in my moms cottege and BANK, but that didnt work out... this past xmas was there and i saw 2 of them ss's and 1 tbss.... i want to go back soooooo bad!


    Right on! :cool:

  3. Well last year we moved to Hawaii. The Military will only pay for one auto to get shipped , so we shipped the G-6. I was thinking oh well there will be no SS's in Hawaii, boy was I wrong. I swear I see a different SS everyday out here. Even more than when I lived in Detroit area and San Antonio. Man now I am thinking I should pay the $2,000 to get my baby over here to hang with all the others :D

  4. Well last year we moved to Hawaii. The Military will only pay for one auto to get shipped , so we shipped the G-6. I was thinking oh well there will be no SS's in Hawaii, boy was I wrong. I swear I see a different SS everyday out here. Even more than when I lived in Detroit area and San Antonio. Man now I am thinking I should pay the $2,000 to get my baby over here to hang with all the others :D

  5. Your first mistake: Do not pay memberships with a postdated check, or give access to credit/debit card, or bank account. I've seen lots of gyms, tanning salons, ect say that's the only way to pay for the membership, and people usually get screwed in those cases. If that's the case then they WILL NOT get my business. There's plenty of places that will let you pay for a membership in advance. I have no problem with that.


    Second, get your contract, all your bank statements, and look them over carefully before you seek legal advise. Make sure that what they're doing is in the contract. Have your bank statements to show them, or a lawyer, where they have made mistakes.


    Like Brad said, you need to work on your grammer, and spelling if you ever want to be in the professional world. This goes for anyone on these boards that types in code.

    Yes Sir!

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