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Posts posted by ssaman

  1. I am looking into getting some Nitto 420S tires and was wondering what size would be best for the stock rims since they dont make a 275/55/20. Anyone runningthe 420S on stock rims? how do the ride? do they life the truck any? Thanks in advance guys :thumbs:

  2. Nah don't worry about me, i'm a lifeguard so if anything i would have been swept away and grabed a few people on the way to higher ground lol. But that good news about the grill being only $50. I salvaged the duct, looks good now. I also used touch up paint on that big scratch and it's hardly noticeable so everything is coming together well. Thanks Mr. P for the grill price! thanks all for your concern, Take care.

  3. So recently I got promoted to supervisor for the company i work for so my truck kinda got turned into a work truck. So today Tropical storm erin made land fall and of course I still had to work and drive around in it all day. Long story short I had to drive through some flooded areas today and the truck took that well, didnt hesitate or anything. but when I got home I noticed the small grill on the bottom of the front end was missing ( spept away to never be seen again ) and my driver side scoop was ajar. The water pushed so hard on the scoop that one of the screws ripped right thru the body and it was left to dangle. the area that was dangling was rubbing against the paint right near the scoop and scraped a 1inch area down to black. But it could have been worse. I can use touch up paint on that scraped area and put the scoop back but I wonder if Chevy will try and screw me on that grill piece. Will they make me order a whole new grill set up or can I just order the small one by itself. thanks guys, stay dry if you on the Texas coast! :thumbs:

  4. So I have a friend that works at a chevy dealer in Galveston. He told me to bring my truck by for a brake job so I say cool since my rear brakes were squeaking anyways. I get there at 8am and we go to town. We do the works, new pads, new shoes machined the rotors and on top of that I got a free oil change with 10w-30 mobile 1 synthetic. Grand total $118 and change. I had to buy pads from the dealer ( Auto parts store screwed up and gave me the wrong ones.) Bought shoes and a $3 oil filter. So I would say for all of that $118 is a hell of a deal. I'm just really excited about it all now I can have the windows down and not hear that annoying squeak! :cheers:

  5. So I have been noticing that my driver-side rear brake has been squeaking all of the time! When I put the brake on and when my foot it full off of the brake it squeaks worse! Anyone had this problem? Any ideas on what I need to do? Thanks in advance!

  6. Yeah so I just raced a Ferrari. I had him until 5mph then the blew past me like crazy. exhaust was loud as hell and he was going too fast for me to see what kind it was but like with any Ferrari, i bet it was the fast one they make...lol :thumbs:

  7. I used to always watch his show on Comedy Central and thought it was somewhat funny and he did make a few good points. But after watching a few episodes he got soo annoying I just quit watching. I swear if I had to be his camera man I would have to quit the first day simply because he hops around like a damn kangaroo on the stage. Anyways I just made this topic to see what you guys think of him. Some of my friends think he's annoying like I do and others swear he is the funniest man alive. Thx guys! :thumbs:

  8. Thanks Mr. P! But i think it's just going to be a day trip up there. Leave Houston around 5 A.M. And hopefully be there around 9 or 10. Have a look around at Tarleton and then maybe hit up Granbury for some shopping. My girlfriend has never been out of the city so I'll probably have to show her a cow or something lol. Actually come to think of it I think we are going to be going next week lol. Anyways thank you again for the offer, I really appreciate it :)

  9. Work work work...and oh yeah! ...work. But other than that I think my girlfriend and I are taking a little road trip up to Stephenville to check out Tarleton State University. Hopefully if everything works out we'll be going there in a year or so. Hey, maybe we'll see Mr. P up there :thumbs: Hope everyone has a safe and awesome summer!

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