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Stating the obvious


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I got back from NJ today and the Black SS was dirty from the rain last week. :shakehead:


I can't stand for it to look dirty so I went to the car wash to do some detailing.


While I was washing it and detailing, there were several cars/trucks that just drove thru the car wash just checking it out. A couple of skater kids, probably 13 yrs old, came by and complemented on it.


Then a older guy that had a 4.6L regular cab stopped and took a look at it.


I guess my point is no matter if I'm washing it or just stopping for gas, it's an attention getter.


Plus I don't see any other like it. I think that's my favorite part. :thumbs:

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Even though I don't have much street time with mine (as yet!) - this truck is a "head-turner". I think the first thing that gets 'em is the size of teh wheels - - - and then they see the "SS" logos - - - and then they wnat to know what it's all about. A great truck - and a great conversqtion starter.


Only problem . . . . . it slows you down gettin' out of the parking lot taslking to all those strangers!

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I agree the SS does bring alot of attention by young and old. The kids around here really like to ask alot of questions. My neighbors think I crazy ( and their probably right) because I wash it more then I drive it. I got 187 miles on the clock and been washed 5 times! :uhoh:

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Well, it looks like it's doing some good, Dale. I had to put on my :cool: just to look at your sig. :thumbs:


I've had mine three months now and my neighbor actually asked me a couple of weeks ago if it was EVER dirty? I looked at him like he was from another planet. "Dirty? Are you feeling all right, Les?" Dust even goes the other way when it gets closed to my baby. :D:D:D

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I think I have been cursed...It has been raining since the day I bought my truck 2 weeks ago. I mean its on and off..but please. Could I have atleast a week without some rain!.. :cry: .This black isn't the easiest to keep clean, but in my opinion looks sinfully bad when it is. :P

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I am getting so many comments on how cool this truck is. This is my first black truck/car and I am finally getting the drill down on keeping it pretty. Zaino and a California car duster. My 2001 Silverado was white, and I still kept it spotless, and even in the winter I washed it weekly. IMHO this is by far the best looking truck ever released to the public.

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there is nothing nicer looking than a black vehicle. only downside to black is that is shows everything so it's an on going effort to keep it clean. i love black on almost any vehicle. it's one of the few colors that work on everything - porsche to pinto. bright colors like red and blue, on the other hand, don't look good on luxury cars like Mercedes and Lexus.

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I know that I wash it a lot... But, every three days? How do you find the time???? I mest agree that there is nothing better looking than a freshly washed black SS!!!! Just have to keep it clean. I am about to place my Zano order so BenKey, let me know how it works for you. I know that it works for everyone else. I just cannot wait to give it a try. :thumbs:

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