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This is freaky!!!!


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1. Open up a blank Word document.


2. Type in Q33 NY in capitals (this is the flight number of the 1st plane to hit the WTC)


3. Highlight it.


4. Change the font size to 48.


5. Change the actual font to wingdings (1)


is that not messed up or what??? I don't know where people come up with this stuff... but it really creeped me out. Chad

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actually, there was no flight # 33 involved in the world trade center incident.




This thing went around after 9/11 and said the same thing... then when I pointed out to people there was no flight 33 they got all pissed... but its the truth. :dunno:


haha, I'm not pissed... I just saw it on the web and it freaked me out... I don't know everything about 9/11 so it didn't throw up and red flags to me... I just thought it was messed up.

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Did any of you guys get the email hoax with a picture of a guy on the roof of the WTC with an American Airlines jet photoshopped into the background that made it look like it was heading right for the tower and it was really close? The email said something like "this photo was salvaged from a camera found in the rubble at ground zero"

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Did any of you guys get the email hoax with a picture of a guy on the roof of the WTC with an American Airlines jet photoshopped into the background that made it look like it was heading right for the tower and it was really close? The email said something like "this photo was salvaged from a camera found in the rubble at ground zero"

Yeah I remember seeing that... also fake, something about the observation deck wasn't open at the time if I remember right

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