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I wasn't around most of this week... if you guys noticed... which I'm sure you did :P


So yeah, worst... week..... ever!! :banghead:


Started feeling sick tuesday night. Woke up wednesday and went to work against my better judgement. After about 30 minutes there said "FAHK THIS" and decided to go home before I puked all over my desk. :puke:


Jumped on the freeway and could feel my stomache rumbling like it was getting ready to really unleash something nasty. Seconds after merging onto the freeway I got lit-up by CHP. So I was doing 90mph... I can admit when I've done wrong... luckily the cop was really cool. He complimented the truck and wrote me up for only 10mph over so I can still do traffic school. It was kinda hard to be appreciative as I tried to keep whatever my stomach had on deck from flying out my mouth or my ass. :ughdance::puke:


So I take the ticket... get back on my way and just as I exit the freeway near my house 10 minutes later I get lit-up by YET ANOTHER COP!! :banghead: This one compliments the truck as well and then writes me up for tint, no front plate, and "illegal exhaust configuration" :wtf: He also claims I was watching a movie while driving... which I wasn't :mad:


Rather than argue I just took the ticket and went on my way... at this point about to explode all over the inside of my truck. :puke::sick::throwup:


I get in the door... do the technicolor yawn.... call monsters.... talk to "RAAAALPH" on the big porcelin telephone... you get the point. After a couple of hours of running to the bathroom I call my wife and ask her if she thinks I should make a doctors appointment. She says she'll come home and take care of me (gotta love the nurturing instincts of women :thumbs: ) when she gets home she noticed I was covered in red bumps (hives) and I looked flushed. Took my tempurature... 102* :eek:


She rushes me to the hospital where they take some blood and diagnose it as a severe allergic reaction... keep me overnight for observation b/c of the raspy sound my lungs are making. I spent the rest of Wednesday and part of Thursday in a hospital bed being packed w/ ice and having blood drawn for differnet tests.


Spent all day friday driving around to see different specialists and picking up perscriptions. Finally I'm home :sigh:


As of right now they have absolutely no idea what caused it, but I need to get bed rest and take about 100 different meds. I feel 100% better... just really weak. Going back next week for test results and hopefully an answer as to what the hell happened.


Thus concludes my week from hell :rant:


Now to deal with these tickets.... :dupe::mad:

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DUDE...thats blows!! (chunks) :lol:


sorry to hear about your shitty week, you should take all your hospital paperwork to court and show it all to the judge... ask for sympothy, tell him you were just tryin to get home without yakkin all over the outside of your truck and the cars behind you!!! :puke:


hope you feel better mah brotha!! :thumbs:


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DUDE...thats blows!!  (chunks)  :lol:


sorry to hear about your shitty week, you should take all your hospital paperwork to court and show it all to the judge... ask for sympothy, tell him you were just tryin to get home without yakkin all over the outside of your truck and the cars behind you!!!  :puke:


hope you feel better mah brotha!!  :thumbs:



:withstupid: I would definitely present to a judge in hope of sympathy...sounds like you need it after that whole ordeal. Hope you get to feeling better and they find out what caused it.

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Sounds quite rough, had a bad night myself, but it definately doesn't sound as bad as a serious allergic reaction and two tickets. I'm impressed you managed to make it home with that kind of illness and didn't puke in your truck. Maybe you had some bad sushi. At least you are better now, hopefully you can grab some sympathy from a judge, doctors records will definately help. Hope you get well soon.

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DUDE...thats blows!!  (chunks)  :lol:


sorry to hear about your shitty week, you should take all your hospital paperwork to court and show it all to the judge... ask for sympothy, tell him you were just tryin to get home without yakkin all over the outside of your truck and the cars behind you!!!  :puke:


hope you feel better mah brotha!!  :thumbs:



:withstupid: I would definitely present to a judge in hope of sympathy...sounds like you need it after that whole ordeal. Hope you get to feeling better and they find out what caused it.


:withstupid: Hope you feel better

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wow crazy stuff, feel better man, you should of called dinosaurs while the cop was writing you up, i did that once at a DUI check point when my mom was driving me home from the hospital a few years back. It blew the cops mind cause they couldnt get an alcohol reading on me and they werent understanding i had food poisoning and that is why i coming from the hospital. Made a nice mess all over the place, lol Hope you feel better

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Dude that sounds like a rough time  :eek:  Seafood??


They're not sure what caused it but I've had a history of really weird allergies just coming out of no where... at 16 I developed an allergy to strawberries that nearly killed me :eek:


Not a comforting feeling when the doctor takes a look at you and says "Holy Shit!! You walked in here? You shouldn't be able to stand right now"


I'm gonna take it easy today and then I'm back to full tilt tomorrow. The doctor sent my blood out for analysis and I should know what caused it sometime next week... I'm just glad I decided to go to the hospital... could've been much worse.

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Seconds after merging onto the freeway I got lit-up by CHP. So I was doing 90mph... I can admit when I've done wrong... luckily the cop was really cool. He complimented the truck and wrote me up for only 10mph over


So I take the ticket... get back on my way and just as I exit the freeway near my house 10 minutes later I get lit-up by YET ANOTHER COP!! :banghead: This one compliments the truck as well and then writes me up for tint, no front plate, and "illegal exhaust configuration"  :wtf: He also claims I was watching a movie while driving... which I wasn't  :mad:



sounds like the boys in the black & whites were playing tag team on you. one will stop you for a few tickets and radio his buddy ahead and stop you for some more tickets. try to fight it in court, but be prepaired.


good luck, and NO MORE... :puke::puke::puke: ing



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Glad you're ok; and I feel your pain on the tickets, I've had the CHP tag team me in Calaveras county three times in the same night. The front plate/tint/exhaust ticket is just bs though, I hope you can get it dismissed.


Mr. P.

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