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Got Pulled Over

DaJoker SS

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Got pulled over yesterady because my windows were too dark. The cop brought the machine out and checked the windows and they were 2%. He said i got to get at least 28%. He let me go with 2 tickets, one for the windows, and one for diving with a permit. The tickets had no price to pay on the back does that mean i dont have to pay anything

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:lol: Sorry dude, no that's not how it works. It's a good thing your insurance and tags were current, or you'd be SUNK.


My suggestion, minimize the amount of fines as follows: get the tint removed or replaced, and if possible take the truck and see if you can have an officer of the law sign on the citation that the 'equipment offense' has been corrected. Second, get your license NOW. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.


Day of court - you need to stand out against all the other loosers waiting their turn in the courtroom - DRESS AS YOU WOULD FOR A JOB INTERVIEW. Wear your best shoes, if you don't have any get some.


During your appearance, explain to the judge that you bought the truck used and already limo tinted and that you did not know it was a violation, but got it corrected asap. Then when asked about your permit show the judge your new license and tell him that you have been working both full-time at school and an after school job thus getting time off has been a legitimate hardship, but since the citation you've put your foot down and gotten the issue corrected. Use only ONE sentence per explaination with the judge, it's all he needs. If you want to add, just mention that you are truly sorry for wasting the courts time, it was never your intention to be irresposible in these matters. Oh, body language counts - do not put your hands in your pockets, fidget, etc.


If you can do this with a little "responsible charm" and you look a winner and a person that takes care of his business you will *probably* get out of there with minimal fines on both issues. I would even bet chances are 50/50 that he will let you off with just a 'stupidity fine' (say, $50) or let you go with just a warning.


Free advice - take it for what it's worth.

Mr. P.

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I personally am going to the doctor to offer him money to get a letter that says i am aloud to have darker tint than normal due to my eyesight. A guy i work with says his friend has it back in iowa.

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Yuor parents let you drive with a permit :confused: , I did that once and my dad found out and I had hell to pay :banghead:


Shoooot-I starrted taking the car out at night when I was 12...remember creeping through the house with the keys clutched so tight so they wouldn't make noise...carefully placing firewood in front of the wheels to mark the parking place...pushing that big heavy @$$ 76 Country Squire out of the driveway...rolling start, awaaay we go :)


No big deal as long as ya dont get caught---BUT this was 25 yrs ago mind u :)

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I personally am going to the doctor to offer him money to get a letter that says i am aloud to have darker tint than normal due to my eyesight. A guy i work with says his friend has it back in iowa.


Ditto, fast4popper has one and he is giving me the heads-up on what to do and he said he knows a Doc that will sign it for me if I schedule an appointment. 5% on all windows except the windshield here I come! :D:D:D

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Wow, I would love to have atleast 35% tint. The legal limit for tint in ND is 50%. I got pulled over 2 months ago because the cop thought my tint was darker the 50%, which it isnt, so he got out his stupid "tint detector" as he called it, and it showed up to be 46% because of the factory tint that is already on the vehicle. So the dick gived me a 50$ ticket. That shows you how lame the cops are in ND.

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I'd rather be pulled over for speeding ... so I went a different route

with my SS.

I used a product called Vcool 70 for the front doors and

Vcool 35 for the sun roof and the back 3.




I also run without a front plate so I didnt need the extra attention dark tint

gets anyways ...


but I prefer a dark tint ...



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I'd rather be pulled over for speeding ... so I went a different route

with my SS.

I used a  product called Vcool 70 for the front doors and

Vcool 35 for the sun roof and the back 3.




I also run without a  front plate so I didnt need the extra attention dark tint

gets anyways ...


but I prefer a  dark tint ...



THANKS FOR THIS LINK - just what I was looking for :thumbs::thumbs:


Mr. P. :)

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