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The day I dreaded to see come...


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Dear fellow SS'ers...


As I stated in the topic title, "The Day I dreaded" to see coming was that for our dog Molly.


You see, Molly was almost 5 years old, and the most beautiful of Golden Retreivers that anyone had seen. She was your bestfriend in a time of need, and the best class clown when you needed a laugh.


Unfortunetly, Molly was a very sick dog. Molly was diagnosed with Epilepsy at one years old. She started to have seizures once every week. Jenn and myself had gotton the seizures down to once every 3 months. Even though we slowed the time inbetween seizures, they became harsher and more lengthly in duration and quantity (Cluster Seizures).


Molly started a set of seizures on Friday night. One every two hours.... By morning Molly was in-trouble as usual, and we took her to the vet, so she could be hooked up to Valium (which calms her down and slows the seizures). We found out later from the vet, that Molly had a seizure that lasted amost 9 mins in duration. We took her home, but without any stopping, Molly's seizures continued.


Being tapped out on medication, and the severity of the seizures. Molly had to be put to sleep Saturday night.


We will miss her greatly.... Molly was definetly a playful puppy at heart.


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I'm sorry to hear, I know of your pain all to much. I lost my golden retreiver last March. She was the smartest dog I have ever had and was my best friend, she was always at my side and went everywhere with me. One morning I let her outside and she was fine and then when we went to let her back in, she just fell over and was gone within a second. I was in so much shock that I didn't know what had just happened. :tear:


It's now been a year and a half and I still miss that dog to death. I think now if things had to happen, that was the best rather then me having to put her to sleep, that is the hardest decision to make.

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