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dish network

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I dont know if anyone has dish network or not on here but i do. Thought i would share all the movies i have watched today- better off dead( with the camaro),over the top with slyvester stallone, The deer hunter with robert deniro, I am happy with dish network. i tyhought i would share what i watched today since im bored off my ass. Also two lane blacktop was on early this morning when i got home i couldnt sleep so i watched that. anyone else enjoy these types of movies. also what kind of movies do you all enjoy.

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:thumbs: I am also a happy Dish subscriber; maybe after I'm done pouring money into cars I'll upgrade to the HDTV!


Mr. P. :)


Edit - Revolution, when I am that bored I go blow something up - great therapy :lol:

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dude a HD tv flatscreen tv 48 inch tv makes it so much better also i got the dvr which is mega sweet for watching football in casae you gotta go take a piss, just pause it and go and come back and pick up where you left off

Yeah I'm TOTALLY dependent on the DVR, digital is the greatest. Good thing we are not closer together, with a monitor like that I'd be squatting on your couch all the time :lol: My TV sucks, it's a borrowed $198 walmart special that's burning out :lol: I'm thinking of getting a really nice set towards the end of this year. I agree with you, 48" is *just* right :thumbs:


Mr. P. :)

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