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Somthing to make you think

SS Silv

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it would be funny to watch though. it would be like a plane exersizing.  :crackup:

:withstupid: id definately watch that it be interesting to say the least!


:withstupid: Someone should send this idea into the mythbusters im sure they could make it work.


I thought of the same thing. Imagine how expensive it would be to make a treadmill for an airplane.

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Wouldn't the tires spin twice as fast and the plane would still move. It isn't like the wheels are making the plane go ... it is the prop ... or propulsion ...


The plane would still move up the run way ... only the tires would not be moving relative to the speed of the plane.



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In the original statement it says that the plane is moving in one directino. The way I see it is it just depends on how fast the plane is moving. If the wheels are turning at 100 mph then the plane is only moving at 50 mph if those are the speeds I say that it wouldn't fly. But hell, I don't know anything about airplanes :dunno:

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Airplane wings are curved on the top which make air move faster over the top of the wing. The air moves faster over the top of a wing. It moves slower underneath the wing. The slow air pushes up from below while the faster air pushes down from the top. This forces the wing to lift up into the air.


Sir Isaac Newton proposed three laws of motion in 1665. These Laws of Motion help to explain how a planes flies.


1. If an object is not moving, it will not start moving by itself. If an object is moving, it will not stop or change direction unless something pushes it.



2. Objects will move farther and faster when they are pushed harder.



3. When an object is pushed in one direction, there is always a resistance of the same size in the opposite direction.

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Wouldn't the tires spin twice as fast and the plane would still move.  It isn't like the wheels are making the plane go ... it is the prop ... or propulsion ...


The plane would still move up the run way ... only the tires would not be moving relative to the speed of the plane.



Big O is correct!! The plane engines are pushing the air around them, not applying the power to the wheels, the tires would just spin faster til the plane ran off the (treadmill), or took off!! Fly? Yes it will :driving:

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Wouldn't the tires spin twice as fast and the plane would still move.   It isn't like the wheels are making the plane go ... it is the prop ... or propulsion ...


The plane would still move up the run way ... only the tires would not be moving relative to the speed of the plane.



Big O is correct!! The plane engines are pushing the air around them, not applying the power to the wheels, the tires would just spin faster til the plane ran off the (treadmill), or took off!! Fly? Yes it will :driving:

:withstupid::withstupid: I see no reason why it wouldn't fly as long as the tires can handle double the normal speed as usual. It states that the "tread mill" will spin in the opposite dirrection at the same speed as the plane there for they will both start at 0 and when the plane is moving forward at 1mph the wheels will be turning at 2mph ect... but the plane will still accelerate the same as it would if it were on any normal runway since it isn't the wheels that move it forward it is the thrust of the engines being prop or jet.

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As everyone else has said it wouldn't fly there would be no air moving over and under the wings...no lift...no flight

:withstupid: no flight


As for now, i agree, it will not fly... It's like a daym treadmill, all that work and you get nowhere, fast... But give me more time to think about it... I'm already starting to get a headache! :banghead:

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Wouldn't the tires spin twice as fast and the plane would still move.   It isn't like the wheels are making the plane go ... it is the prop ... or propulsion ...


The plane would still move up the run way ... only the tires would not be moving relative to the speed of the plane.



Big O is correct!! The plane engines are pushing the air around them, not applying the power to the wheels, the tires would just spin faster til the plane ran off the (treadmill), or took off!! Fly? Yes it will :driving:

:withstupid::withstupid: I see no reason why it wouldn't fly as long as the tires can handle double the normal speed as usual. It states that the "tread mill" will spin in the opposite dirrection at the same speed as the plane there for they will both start at 0 and when the plane is moving forward at 1mph the wheels will be turning at 2mph ect... but the plane will still accelerate the same as it would if it were on any normal runway since it isn't the wheels that move it forward it is the thrust of the engines being prop or jet.


the lack of air flow is going to prevent it from taking off.

Heres the perfect example: drive your truck at 50 mph put down the window and then put your arm out the window making a wing out of your hand. You've no doubt done this before and know what happens, you get lift under your hand and can make it "fly" depending on the angle of your wing/hand.

Now go put your truck on a dyno (assuming you could find an AWD one that would hold it :jester:) now run it up to 50 mph and stick you hand out the window. No lift now... why not??? because your tire speed it irrevelent, it's the air moving under and over your wing/hand that matters. And in this case your just spinning your wheels...

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Alright, time for the answer....

























It will NOT fly----The only way a plane generates lift is by air flow around the wings.... if the belt is keeping the plane stationary there will be no air flow and it wont take off.

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