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Bad grades = no ss for me


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Your parents sound like intelligent people. Your "job" right now is to get good grades.  That trucks not going to last forever. Your education will. I screwed around all through high school and it took me until my mid-forties to be able to afford a truck like this. Your a step ahead of the game now. Get the grades and many other rewards will follow. Don't be a dumbass like me and work your butt off for someone else for 40 years for nothing.


I've got a pretty good income now, but it took a lot longer than it would have if I'd paid attention in school a lot more. Take the education while you can and show the world what you can really do. There's always time to play.

Very good advice. Heed it.
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its all a matter of priorities.


for an adult one of the top ones (other then family) is their job. their job and the income from it allows them to play. no job - no play (among other things), and if you don't do well at your job...no job.


for a student one of the top priorities (above a job, dating, and goofing off) is their grades. A students top priority (and why they are there in the first place) is to learn. Learning the material makes the test and reports a breeze...and thus the grades good (or even great).


We've all seen it...those people that don't seem to have to work at it and yet they get all A's (without cheating). They have their system for learning the material. You just need to find yours.

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