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Inappropriate or not?


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I just got a brand new 06 F150 Crew Cab with a 5.4L V8...Black on Black leather, Lariot package.....I am trying to get wheels for it right now, thats my goal for now....I just turned 21 and my parentes still help me out...So I talked to them first and they asked that I try and get a loan before coming to them.......Well I work full-time at a Credit Union, so I applied for a 5000.00 loan, "I am getting 24's".....The next day I get an internal phone call from the lady in charge of Employee Loan Operations....She proceeds to tell me I do not have enough income/credit to get a 5000-6000.00 Car Loan...I told her that it wasnt for a car, and explained I wanted to get wheels for my new truck....she stuttered a bit, then laughed....and said wait a minute, you want to spend 5000.00$ on some ****ING wheels ?.......Then she denied me.....Shes not my boss, but well above my status at my work.....and she judged me using sarcasm and saying the word **** to me, at my work, for my decision on what I wanted to spend my money on.....is that a little innappropriate or is it just me ? I am posting the letter I wrote to her below.....im kinda worried, thinking I might get fired now....so could you guys read over it a bit and give me some insight on what to say if my boss comes to me...thanks







I just spoke with you on the phone. Ive decided I am going to pass on the loan with UFCU......When I sent you the application, I had intended for my parents to co-sign to begin with because I have no credit, but I still wanted to see if I was capable on my own. I was not intending on being scrutinized for what I wanted the money for, maybe on a proffessional basis, but thats it. Im sure if I was not an emloyee, and was a member instead, you would have been alot more decisive on which words you chose to use. As I can recall, you said in sarcasm, "you want to spend 5000.00 on some ****in wheels?".........I dont speak to people like that, nor expect to be spoken to like that, especially when I do not know the person. So I am going to pass on the loan, I am no longer interesed......Thank you, have a great day


Jonathon Kerr.



Letter :

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I think that sounds fine. You stated word for word what she said to you, so they shouldn't give you any grief over it. I also believe you're well within your rights not to be spoken to that way. That's just unproffesional no matter how you look at it. I would also go to your direct supervisor and see what can be done. At least let them know what happened.

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sounds fine, use spell check to clean it up, ex: "I am no longer interesed......Thank you, have a great day" missing a 't'


also if you really want to start shit, send it to customer service of your CU along with your manager CC'd and her boss :)


im good for this kinda shit, :lol:


EDIT: in fact whats her number, i wanna apply for a loan too ahh never mind i dont wanna get you in trouble

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She was way out of line with her reply. I doubt I would bring it up to my boss unless they said something to me. At 21 it's pretty hard to have credit unless you have worked full time since 18 and have had a car loan or other loan. You might want to start with a $1K loan for 6-12 months. You need to have a loan for at least 6 months so it will appear on your credit report. CC don't hurt but don't go crazy. I would suggest a loan over a CC. Those things are bad news to most people who view your credit report, especially if you owe over %50 of the CC value. Small loans will help build your credit the fastest. Let us know how this turns situation turns out. :cheers:

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sounds fine, use spell check to clean it up, ex:  "I am no longer interesed......Thank you, have a great day"  missing a 't'


also if you really want to start shit, send it to customer service of your CU along with your manager CC'd and her boss :)


im good for this kinda shit, :lol:


EDIT:  in fact whats her number, i wanna apply for a loan too ahh never mind i dont wanna get you in trouble



I heard you did other things to get promoted :oops:


I think you should send that letter and cc a few of the big wigs. see what happens

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sounds fine, use spell check to clean it up, ex:  "I am no longer interesed......Thank you, have a great day"  missing a 't'


also if you really want to start shit, send it to customer service of your CU along with your manager CC'd and her boss :)


im good for this kinda shit, :lol:


EDIT:  in fact whats her number, i wanna apply for a loan too ahh never mind i dont wanna get you in trouble



I heard you did other things to get promoted :oops:


I think you should send that letter and cc a few of the big wigs. see what happens


hey no one was asking your big gr_rainbow.gif ass anything...kickass.gif

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I agree with all here, and applaud you for keeping your cool. I would however NOT talk with your direct superior, don't bring anyone in to this mess except Human Resources Dept; I would go right to HR and file a complaint saying you were offended by her prejudiced attitude (and rightfully so). Put HR on her ass and see how she likes it.


Technically, the $5K loan would be considered a personal loan. A helpful loan officer tries to book loans, not turn people away and I would have expected her to say something like 'with your income/credit we could see our way to offering you a loan for $XXXX'.


As far as the wheels, this would be a great chance for you to get your credit started, you might 3 or 4 months and then get either a personal loan for the balance or a credit card... just some thoughts.


Mr. P.


ps - congrats on the new truck :thumbs:

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I'm a very mellow person as well but when someone offends me like that I get revenge. I probably would have gone to her office and shoved the phone down her throat before she had a chance to hang up.

LOL but seriously they have no reason to fire you or give you any trouble for the letter and I would say like everyone else send a CC to her boss so it's not unexpected and they don't ask well why didn't you just come to me instead of replying to her.

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Just a few questions:


Have you had any other conversations with this lady prior to your application?

Is she your age or an older person?


I am guessing she's about your age, maybe a little older. The reason I ask isbecause,if you've had other conversations with her, and they were only professional in nature, she is out of line with her comments. However, if you've had conversations that were beyond the scope of business,she may have made a sarcastic comment that all of us are guilty of to another co-worker. She made a poor judgement call and said something that offended you. I doubt she was really trying to offend you, probably just a sarcastic comment to a co-worker.


Let's face it, not everybody understands spending 5K on upgrades to a new vehicle. Her reaction I would consider normal for most people. Notice nobody here had the same reaction she did. We understand, she doesn't. A lot of people 5K is a car, not accessories for that car.


Now,as far as pursuing the matter with HR or management, you'll need to make a decision as to how this will affect you in the future. Will she be a person you have to contact when a customer applies for a loan? Will she become vindictive and make it harder for you to do your job? It might be better to let it go.


Just my $ .02

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when it comes right down to it...it's your word against hers. do you really want to fight that battle with a superior?


As we say....

There are three sides to every story.

1 -your side

2 - thier side


3 - the truth


Jonathon... I congradulate you on keeping your cool. Yeah she should have not Mocked you in any way. But, the letter, it will, and I repeat WILL open up a can of worms for you.


So, if you feel that the letter is a must, the by all means go forward with it. Just be ready for the aftermath.... maybe slight if anything, but may be huge on the other hand.


Also, when you write "I dont speak to people like that, nor expect to be spoken to like that, especially when I do not know the person." I would put it as, .... : Ms. XXX, I do not speak to people like that, nor do I expect to be spoken to in that same manner. Especially, when I do not even personlly know that individual.


So, the ball is your court.... You can blast her with a complaint, or just let it slide (But never forget) and chalk it up to "Growing Pains" inside of the UFCU.



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