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Home Made Ram Air


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Can anyone tell me their thoughts on this...Replace the stock air filter with a K&N or other similiar model. Cut a hole in the filter box and run a plastic tube from the hole down to the brake duct or around that area. Would this be beneficial or a waste of time. And would an aftermarket intake fit like the Volant just be better?


Also, if I were to do that, how big a tube should I use?

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Making Your Own Cool Air Induction


-Unscrew airbox retaining bolts and remove the paper filter

-Go buy an airconditioning ventalation hose and few feet long w/ a diameter of around 2.5-3''

-Cut a hole at the bottom, frontal side of the airbox(with the cutting tool of choice) using the hose as a template

-Route the ventilation hose from underneith the vehicle to the hole in the airbox

-Fit the hose into the airbox making sure that it will stay using a clamp or something else

-Fit the hose into the bumper airducts just behind the screen and make sure the hose is stabilized with zip ties or clamps


I found this quote from cgar. This was posted a while back. Has anyone tried this and what are the latest opinions? Thanks a lot.

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This set-up works great. It gives a sweet throaty sound coming from the engine and it sounds a lot better. I had a buddy get in the truck and mash the gas pedal and i could just fell the air being sucked from the tube that exits the brake duct. I would say that doing this would work even better than the Volant system because Volant does not take advantage of the air duct...... Plus, you will save some big bucks.



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The Volant system, with air sccop, does take advantage of the duct.


I know Volant has taken advantage of this on some other models but I wasn't sure if they had made a system for the SS yet. When I looked into Volant before doing the Custom setup I remember the additional piece that mounts onto the Volant air-box that takes advantage of the duct is an additional $125 to the already $325 Box and filter. This is great if you want to put some stickers on your truck, showing off your performance mods, but if you don't want to drop $450 + Tax then you should look into doing the custom setup that IMO works just as well.

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The Volant system, with air sccop, does take advantage of the duct.


I know Volant has taken advantage of this on some other models but I wasn't sure if they had made a system for the SS yet. When I looked into Volant before doing the Custom setup I remember the additional piece that mounts onto the Volant air-box that takes advantage of the duct is an additional $125 to the already $325 Box and filter. This is great if you want to put some stickers on your truck, showing off your performance mods, but if you don't want to drop $450 + Tax then you should look into doing the custom setup that IMO works just as well.

Couldn't agree more. A custom job is what I have. Although, I hear the Volant air scoop for the SS is available now (according to one of our members). It wasn't three months ago when I was wanting to do something.

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