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What do do?


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So, I got Monday off, and my girlfriend is going to take Monday off too.... So, I was looking for some ideas on what to do for the day. I'd like to pretty much like to stay here in Northern Cali. Any and all ideas are welcome! Of course, I could always just sit around in my pajamas all day around the house and do nothing at all on my day off, too! LOL... :jester:


Let's hear some ideas!!! :thumbs:

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Of course, I could always just sit around in my pajamas all day around the house and do nothing at all on my day off, too! LOL... :jester:


HAHA, if you and Dani sit around the house all day your not gonna be doing "NOTHING" all day...lol

duh! :thumbs:


yeah, I'm not knowing for ya though...no input here... :dunno:



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Of course, I could always just sit around in my pajamas all day around the house and do nothing at all on my day off, too! LOL... :jester:


HAHA, if you and Dani sit around the house all day your not gonna be doing "NOTHING" all day...lol

duh! :thumbs:


yeah, I'm not knowing for ya though...no input here... :dunno:




Hey, We could do nothing!!! LOL.... C'mon man get you mind out of the gutter!!! :jester:


go play in the rain cause thats what its going to do on monday


I like the rain!! :D

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Take her to the American River Gorge (Folsom); there's a fantastic restaraunt at one end of the bridge overlooking the river, Cliff House. Amazing view.


Mr. P.


Better idea - get a hotel room Sunday night in Folsom, then breakfast at the Cliff House :thumbs:

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Take her to the American River Gorge (Folsom); there's a fantastic restaraunt at one end of the bridge overlooking the river, Cliff House.  Amazing view.


Mr. P.


Better idea - get a hotel room Sunday night in Folsom, then breakfast at the Cliff House  :thumbs:

:D first time ive heard folsom has a fantasic view :D

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Take her to the American River Gorge (Folsom); there's a fantastic restaraunt at one end of the bridge overlooking the river, Cliff House.  Amazing view.


Mr. P.


Better idea - get a hotel room Sunday night in Folsom, then breakfast at the Cliff House  :thumbs:


Hmmm.... Sounds pretty good! :thumbs: I might have to check it out! Thanks Mr. P.


Wake up and get drunk :cheers:


Also, a very good idea!! There is a keg at the spot right now!! :cheers:


i would just sit on my ass all  day and do nothing.  Except of course...you know :jester:


:jester: I like doing nothing.... and.... :ughdance: LOL...

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