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How come everybody thinks they are a mechanic


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The world will never run out of "stupid people", and in yours and my business it means "job security"! :D




I have to agree with Rays B4U on this one.....


If it weren't for stupid people and my career... I would be out of a job, along with now SSS in the driveway. :D

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I had a similar exprience when I worked aftermarket parts. A customer came in wanting to replace the A/C on his car. Compressor, drier, ect. He was asking me what kind of freon, how much, should he replace o-rings, and he pretty much bought everything I told him he needed. When he inquired on the manifold guages, and asked if something like that was neccessary to put freon in, this threw up a red flag. I asked if he'd ever done anything like this before, and he had not. He had no clue what he was getting in to. I told him he would be better off taking it to someone. I could have sold this guy the whole store, but I couldn't let this guy potentially get hurt doing something he knew nothing about.

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If it makes you feel better I know that i'm not a mechanic!!!! I just let my boyfriend take my car in....cuz I know I won't be any help if I were there. Its a good thing my uncles know how to work on cars....cuz I have noooo idea what I am doin.....I know it needs to have its oil changed and to keep it clean....and to add gas for it to go....but thats about it. So :thumbs: for you being able to put up with people who have no clue!!!!

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The world will never run out of "stupid people", and in yours and my business it means "job security"! :D




I have to agree with Rays B4U on this one.....


If it weren't for stupid people and my career... I would be out of a job, along with now SSS in the driveway. :D


I feel ya, but I have enough job security aslong as Chrysler (POS)vehilces are on the road :jester:

I'm a mechanic........... just not on auto's but i see the same crap with motorcycles and ATV's all the time

Well you may not work on cars, but you have enough common sense to fix bikes & ATV's so you would be able to work on them. I have completely rebuilt both my waverunners and my buddies YZ250 and do all the work on my ATV's, which reminds me it's almost time to redo the top ends :D dam 2strokes

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definition: business- the process in which someone makes money off of stupid people.


the world is dumb...exploit it


oh, the stories I could tell... :crackup: I just looked at it as money... it was when I had to fix other tech's screwups in the shop that I got mad. :mad:

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oh, the stories I could tell...  :crackup: I just looked at it as money... it was when I had to fix other tech's screwups in the shop that I got mad.  :mad:

:withstupid: This is what pisses me off the most in my job.

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oh, the stories I could tell...  :crackup: I just looked at it as money... it was when I had to fix other tech's screwups in the shop that I got mad.  :mad:

:withstupid: This is what pisses me off the most in my job.

Thats why it's down to just my father, uncle and my self at my shop. I got tired of having to go behind everybody and fix their screw ups :banghead:

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Thats why it's down to just my father, uncle and my self at my shop. I got tired of having to go behind everybody and fix their screw ups :banghead:

Same exact thing here. Don't you just hate being such a goddamned perfectionist?! :lol:

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Thats why it's down to just my father, uncle and my self at my shop. I got tired of having to go behind everybody and fix their screw ups :banghead:

Same exact thing here. Don't you just hate being such a goddamned perfectionist?! :lol:

I don't hate being one... I just hate the fact that EVERYONE ELSE isn't one! :P

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Thats why it's down to just my father, uncle and my self at my shop. I got tired of having to go behind everybody and fix their screw ups :banghead:

Same exact thing here. Don't you just hate being such a goddamned perfectionist?! :lol:

I don't hate being one... I just hate the fact that EVERYONE ELSE isn't one! :P

:crackup::crackup: OK good one - you got me there! :lol::thumbs:


Mr. P. :)

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hey tawss...so i was fixin my truck up...cause why the hell would i pay a mechanic right? anyways....it was running hot so i pourd some evian into the little spout thingy that said mobil 1. well the engine started to run wierd...so i figured it need oil...so i got some mazola and poured about two quarts...now its acting up...i think its my computer or something, my friend said it might be the diesel fuel i put in but i doubt it...anyways you think you can swing by and take a quick look, ill thorw in some beers since im such a nice guy :jester:

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OH that reminds me of a good story - I worked in a hardware store years ago, a customer asked for some help choosing a funnel :dunno: and well since it was open knowledge I was always screwing with cars I got called out onto the floor to assist... The customer asks what kind of funnel is needed to add gear lube to his transmission, and he shows me a container of GL-5 gear lube he has brought in with him, so I assume he has a standard tranny and tell him 'oh no problem sir, what you really need is a gear lube pump...' and we talk about how to change fluid on a standard tranny for at least a good 2-3 minutes. As the conversation is winding down he finally says "Thank you so much for your help, having to pour those first three bottles down that little dipstick tube behind the engine was a nightmare, I can see how a pump would make that a whole lot easier." :eek: My buddy and I just looked at each other in total amazement... :lol:


Mr. P. :)

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hey how did you meet my brother in law? the man has taught me everything i know :jester:. good story by the way, i dunno what i wouldve done in that situation besides laugh my ass off

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hey tawss...so i was fixin my truck up...cause why the hell would i pay a mechanic right? anyways....it was running hot so i pourd some evian into the little spout thingy that said mobil 1. well the engine started to run wierd...so i figured it need oil...so i got some mazola and poured about two quarts...now its acting up...i think its my computer or something, my friend said it might be the diesel fuel i put in but i doubt it...anyways you think you can swing by and take a quick look, ill thorw in some beers since im such a nice guy  :jester:

Way to go :jester: wanna job :D

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