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How come everybody thinks they are a mechanic


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:rant:Why is it just about everybody thinks they know how to work one cars :dunno: Today I got a 90 Buick Riviera in my shop, last week this guy came buy asking questions on how to fix it :banghead: (if you need to ask dont work on it) Well he could not get it running right so I got it today, he was not getting the refference from the TPS to the computer. He replaced the TPS, connector, ECM and a few other things, car still has the same problem :yellow_loser: . Well I found the problem within 15min :D . For the people who do not know how a TPS works, you have a 5volt the ecm supplies the TPS, a ground from the TPS and a refference wire that sends a signal back to the ecm from .5 to 5.0v. This cars was reading 0v from the TPS to the ecm, it had the 5v and ground both good. I pulled his crappy but connector off the refference wire at the TPS and checked the TPS, it worked great, so I disconnected the ecm and checked the wire from the TPS to the ecm for an open or a short well it was not open (broken) then I checked it for a short to ground and it was. I shook the harness where it went across the engine and it went away :wtf: . The idiot had replace the alternator awhile back and pinched the harness between the alt and the intake :nono: It cost him $225 for me to fix his screw up :D plus what paid in parts he did not need and his time :crackup: People seem to think they will save money if they do it themselves and it usually ends up costing more :rollin: This is not a one time thing I get all the time and it's just aggrivating, I make money on it but i hate having to fix someone elses screw up

Sorry for the long post, just had to get it out

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I do run into it all the time, sometimes its the customer who worked on it and the other times its the butcher shop around who think they are tech's :banghead: and they usually do the worst damage to a car. You should see some of the hack jobs I have to fix. Not to sound egotistical but I am dam good at what I do, I get alot of other shops send work to me because they have no idea how to fix a late model vehicle (late 90's & up). I have alot of experience and training to do what I do. My tool box is about a 100k alone. I do take pride in fixing a car, I hate when people hack it up do to stupidity :banghead:

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I'm guessing cuz it's fun. People like to into the garage and get their hands dirty once in a while and get away from their wives, it's all good. That's why there's people like you incase they run into trouble or f-things up. The f-it up, they bring it in, you fix it, everyone is happy. :cheers:

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Theres nothing wrong with people trying to do things themselves it doesent hurt your business. You can't learn if you dont try. He was smart enough to get help when he couldn't fix it. Im sure we have all had problems from time to time.

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I think a lot of people try to fix things themselves because they don't trust mechanics or don't want to appear stupid to other guys. Personally, I'd rather have someone else do major repairs for me so if it gets f##ked up I've got someone else to blame. In most cases I have enough knowledge to know if they're trying to stick it to me. When it comes to the electronics though, I'm lost. Set the points with a matchbook cover or adjust a carb with a screwdriver and my ear, I'm good.

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Sounds more like just plain laziness or failure to pay attention.


Mr. P. :)


No it's just people do not know how to work on the electronics on these newer cars.

The world will never run out of "stupid people", and in yours and my business it means "job security"! :D

Yea I know what you mean, I just hate trying to figure out what they screwed up.


Theres nothing wrong with people trying to do things themselves it doesent hurt your business. You can't learn if you dont try. He was smart enough to get help when he couldn't fix it. Im sure we have all had problems from time to time.

I'm not talking about someone changing the oil or something simple like that. I know people like to do things themselves, I do it to but I know when I need have somebody who knows what they are doing.

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That's why I don't have a PC business. I get enough calls from my family just because I got a degree in CIS. Fix this...look at that. I mostly deal with programming stuff at work not tech support but my family doesn't know the difference :banghead: . Bad part is that they are at least 45 mins away :banghead::banghead:

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