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Parking lot damage this morning


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I got off work this morning to see an Expedition's front bumper butted right up against my rear bumper. It left a scratch about 1/4" to 1/2" long but kind of deep. It was the person's front license plate mounting bolt that did the damage. I can't believe people and to top it off, the Censored.gif left it that way. You would think that person would have moved it back or even move it completely away from my truck. What a Censored.gif! I always park at least a 1/2 mile away from anyone and still these people seem to mess Censored.gif up!


Anyways, I tried to talk to security of the terminal, but they said it was the job of the Port Police, ya right! Lazy asses! So I call the Port Police and they say they will send someone out. About 10 minutes later I get a call and it's the same lady telling me the Port Police doesn't go out to calls like that anymore unless there is someone hurt or the other person doesn't want to give their information out.


She goes on to explain to me that I need to file a claim with my insurance company. I've had previous rear bumper damage before so I know it will be less than my deductable so how do I go about this? The previous damage costed around $300.00 mainly because they had to spray the whole bumper and not just the spot where the damage was done. Do I still file a claim with my insurance company? If I do, I'm sure I will have to pay the deductable which is no big deal, but then what happens? Do they go after that person for my deductable and reimburse me back?


Hopefully this person does the right thing and gets back at me since I left a note stating he/she damaged my truck and I have pics and a witness that saw his/her bumper on my bumper.


Anyone have any guesses on what will happen if I file a claim?







How I was parked. You can see how far away that truck is from mine. When I get to work there is no one around me for miles.



Late- Alex

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As clean as your truck is I would not bother with involving insurance - what I would do is:


1) take a lot of pictures, document the whole incident as best as you can; include pics of Expedition license and VIN, too

2) get information from owner, make contact with owner

3) admit to owner that there is past damage on the bumper, and you are willing to go in 1/2 with him since the entire bumper will have to be repainted, explain to him that this means it will cost him $150-200 (as well as yourself);

4) if you get no compliance from offending driver, take him to small claims court for the $175 (half bumper repair), I am certain that a judge will award it to you


Mr. P. :)

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misterp, why split the damage with the person who hit it this time? If he got it fixed before then thats the key word "fixed". As long as you got all there info and everything i doubt they will really want to make a stink about it through insurance, just see what they have to say then you can persue from there.

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Sorry to hear your bad luck. It just goes to show people don't car what they do. They hit you, then don't even move off your bumper. :banghead: You know they knew they hit you. What an @ss :mad: . I would talk to them and see if they will pay the entire amount. Be calm about the situation and see what happnes. Good luck :thumbs:

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unfortunately parking lots are usually considered 50/50 for responsibility. at least in my experiences, i now always park in the farthest away lot and take up two or four spaces. thats about the only insurance you can get....

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The whole thing guys is that I don't know who this person is. I got off work and this person must have been coming in because like I stated before, there was nobody close to me when I went into work. How do I go about getting someones information with a license plate number? I'll do whatever it takes if this person doesn't do the right thing, I'll go all the way. BTW, I'm not paying for natha, I already had it fixed once. This person did that damage so that person should pay for it all.


Late- Alex

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dmv? tell em your case...im sure they can do something for you. if not go tell the cops...they got all that on file. if the person dosent pay up go to the PD and file a report and that should get you on track

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Well I talked to my insurance agent and he gave me a few options:


1. Talk to the employer and see if they can find out who did it by the license plate number. Impossible because we work out of our union hall so that terminal would not have any info on file that would help me. Like they would anyways, we are always fighting with the employers.


2. Go to the DMV. He said they will give you info on the SUV, but I have to go in person because they want to know who wants the info. Looks like the way to go for me! Then contact that person and take them to small claims court.


3. File a claim, pay the deductable and then they go after that person's insurance carrier for that money and the repair bill. That will probably be my last option if the DMV doesn't help me.


Hopefully this person will do the right thing. I don't want to create drama with one of my fellow union brothers. I haven't gotten a call as of yet so who knows. If I don't get one by today, I will be going to the DMV tomorow to see what happens.


Late- Alex

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just see if the ehicle is there when you come into work tommorrow If they dont return your phone call by today then leae another note saying your going to take action by taking them to court and reporting a hit and run to them. maybe that will scare them into fessing up.

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Doesn't going to DMV remind you of the Cheech and Chong visit to the welfare office?? LOL :)


I hate this happened to you...I would maybe not be able to be as rational about it as you are



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