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A long time ago....


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I'm just wondering just how much the American people will take before they/we do something about him.


Nothing will ever happen... key reasons:


American Apathy - as long as there is 300 channels of television, hollywood blockbusters, tabloids, fast food, and music crammed into our brains 24/7 people will remain to distracted to ever stand up and take action against at less than adequate/corrupt/lackadaisical government. We (as a whole) are more concerned with things like consumption of goods than government reform.


State of constant fear - bird flu, terrorists, murder, rape, you re too fat, you re too thin, the sky is falling!! You're clothes aren't nice enough, the environment needs you to drive a hybrid, Janet's nipple popped out at the Superbowl and damned all our kids to hell, theres not enough oil left to sustain us. The government and media create a smoke screen of fear to divert attention form any real issue and too keep us so afraid of whats outside our front door we're too distracted to question much of anything. OMG THE TERROR ALERT LEVEL IS AT ORANGE!! :banghead:


Like I've said before... we as a society are too fat and content to do much more than raise an eyebrow when something shady happens. No wonder more people vote on American Idol than they do for the President. :shakehead:

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Those of you who choose not to vote support Dylans theory. (American Apathy) I agree that it sucks to have to continually vote for the lessor of two evils. But by not voting, you are condoning their actions. What we,as a people, need to do is get off our lazy tv addicted butts and vote. Starting at the local level. Most of these politicians did not start out as Senators. Find good people locally and support them. Follow them and keep supporting them as they become mayor, governor, maybe even President. Eventually some of them will end up in Washington. If you choose not to vote, sit down, shut up and turn on the tv so you can find out the latest on Jessica and Nick or who's the next American Idol.

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No wonder more people vote on American Idol than they do for the President.  :shakehead:


LOL!!! <Simon voice> "Mr. Bush, that was quite possibly the worst 8 years of presidency I've ever seen... Started off well, fell a little in the middle, then went down hill from there. It's a no from me... </Simon voice> :wtf:


I've always voted for whom I liked best, regardless of party. Anyone who votes straight party for that sake alone is closing their eyes to real issues that arrise each day. Some years, the republicans need a chance to run things, others the democrats need to run things. It seems like when Bush went in, things were starting to look up for traditionally Republican items (financial, business, foreign trading), but now are falling down all around him (Bush). Time for a Democratic reform president to get in there, or a Republican with a real people's agenda...


Hell, I wouldn't complain about Bush so much if he could deliver a damn speach with fewer **** ups than the local weather man... Or if he didn't look like a puny little geek that you just want to pound the shit out of for no good reason... He can't really be from Texas, can he? If he were the stereotypical Texan, we'd have kicked the shit out of Hussain, bitch slapped Kadhafi, and sicked the porch dog into the caves after Binladin... then had a big 'ol cookout on the white house lawn to celebrate... Put a real Texan cowboy in there!



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I still don't like Bush, I would've voted for Al Sharpton over him if they were the only two candidates.  Clinton had somewhat of a war during his term and he didn't handle it that badly as I recall.  People can rip on him for cheating on his wife and what not but honestly that has nothing to do with his Presidency.  He was still doing a lot more things that were better for us than either Bush ever has and ever will.  Just my opinion, I could be wrong.


CLINTON WAS THE SHIT! no american deficit! America was making money. there was peace in the world.....home mortgages were cheap! and the economy was great! than not 6 months after his term was up..........everything changed. sure clinton knew about 9/11 but he was leaving. when your done as the head of something and passing the torch, you dont fix the problem you give it to the next guy to fix....its bushes fault he wanted 9/11 to happen. BUT! bush IMO sucks......he shouldnt be president in the first place. in the first election the popular vote wasnt for his and the electoral techincally wasnt either...the supreme court said he was president. BS! and in the second election the country was so upset with his they were torn 50/50 for a new guy....but too scared about the war bush created to elect the new guy cause his wife was a crazy bitch. I for one am VERY disapointed in bushes performance. Under him, jobs have been outsourced, the cost of living has gone up but employees pay hasent changed, gas is CRAZY expensive, everyone is scared of dick chaney (crazy lawyer-face shooting bastard) and hes put everyone is fear.... I hope when I get my first chance t vote in 2008 that the candidates will be of good choice. Bush has gotten my aunts vote because he dosent support gay marrage....BS to that....as Robin Williams said, what Is a compassionate Conservitave? Sounds like a Volvo with a gun rack.


God Bless America and God bless this mess. :flag: I had to wait 16 years before I could become a citizen of this great nation and am proud to say I am finally an american. :flag:






Arnald Schwartzaneger in 08!!!!

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a educated person would know that a current president deals w/ previous pres downfalls.. and acomplishments. for example Reagan's dealings were dealt w/ by Bush sr. as his accomp/pitfalls were shared by w/ Clinton....blah blah

i would love to get deep w/ this but the 3 tylenol pms that i took are starting to kick in.... my head is bouncing off the keyboard as we speak.



p.s. i would rather hunt w/ Dick Chaney then ride w/ Ted Kennedy

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Sounds very similar to when Reagen and Bush the 1st were in office. :banghead:  A very wise man once said "If we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it."


Let's not bring Reagan into this. :nono: If you've studied economics, you'll see that the steps taken by the Reagan administration were the perfect steps to reduce the 17% inflation rate down to a managable level.



And to the original question. I would have still voted for Bush without a doubt. He has acted well on information given, he has been decisive, and he has been committed to seeing things through. Extremely good qualities for the man in charge of the nation to possess.

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Like I've said before... we as a society are too fat and content to do much more than raise an eyebrow when something shady happens. No wonder more people vote on American Idol than they do for the President.  :shakehead:


Very good statement there, however I feel that it applies MUCH more towards the multitude of "multicultural" groups whose only goal is to divide this nation into a collection of groups that serve not to better the nation and world, but rather to fuel hate and anomisity towards their fellow man because of a simple thing like race or heritage. Just look at what is happening in this state right now. :nonod:

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I still don't like Bush, I would've voted for Al Sharpton over him if they were the only two candidates.  Clinton had somewhat of a war during his term and he didn't handle it that badly as I recall.  People can rip on him for cheating on his wife and what not but honestly that has nothing to do with his Presidency.  He was still doing a lot more things that were better for us than either Bush ever has and ever will.  Just my opinion, I could be wrong.


CLINTON WAS THE SHIT! no american deficit! America was making money. there was peace in the world.....home mortgages were cheap! and the economy was great! than not 6 months after his term was up..........everything changed. sure clinton knew about 9/11 but he was leaving. when your done as the head of something and passing the torch, you dont fix the problem you give it to the next guy to fix....its bushes fault he wanted 9/11 to happen. BUT! bush IMO sucks......he shouldnt be president in the first place. in the first election the popular vote wasnt for his and the electoral techincally wasnt either...the supreme court said he was president. BS! and in the second election the country was so upset with his they were torn 50/50 for a new guy....but too scared about the war bush created to elect the new guy cause his wife was a crazy bitch. I for one am VERY disapointed in bushes performance. Under him, jobs have been outsourced, the cost of living has gone up but employees pay hasent changed, gas is CRAZY expensive, everyone is scared of dick chaney (crazy lawyer-face shooting bastard) and hes put everyone is fear.... I hope when I get my first chance t vote in 2008 that the candidates will be of good choice. Bush has gotten my aunts vote because he dosent support gay marrage....BS to that....as Robin Williams said, what Is a compassionate Conservitave? Sounds like a Volvo with a gun rack.


God Bless America and God bless this mess. :flag: I had to wait 16 years before I could become a citizen of this great nation and am proud to say I am finally an american. :flag:






Arnald Schwartzaneger in 08!!!!


Did you just say Bush wanted 9-11 to happen????

That is by far the most idiotic statement I have ever heard come out of a humans mouth. You my friend are a ..... nevermind.

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CLINTON WAS THE SHIT! no american deficit! America was making money. there was peace in the world.....home mortgages were cheap! and the economy was great! than not 6 months after his term was up..........everything changed. sure clinton knew about 9/11 but he was leaving. when your done as the head of something and passing the torch, you dont fix the problem you give it to the next guy to fix....its bushes fault he wanted 9/11 to happen. BUT! bush IMO sucks......he shouldnt be president in the first place. in the first election the popular vote wasnt for his and the electoral techincally wasnt either...the supreme court said he was president. BS! and in the second election the country was so upset with his they were torn 50/50 for a new guy....but too scared about the war bush created to elect the new guy cause his wife was a crazy bitch. I for one am VERY disapointed in bushes performance. Under him, jobs have been outsourced, the cost of living has gone up but employees pay hasent changed, gas is CRAZY expensive, everyone is scared of dick chaney (crazy lawyer-face shooting bastard) and hes put everyone is fear.... I hope when I get my first chance t vote in 2008 that the candidates will be of good choice. Bush has gotten my aunts vote because he dosent support gay marrage....BS to that....as Robin Williams said, what Is a compassionate Conservitave? Sounds like a Volvo with a gun rack.


God Bless America and God bless this mess. :flag:  I had to wait 16 years before I could become a citizen of this great nation and am proud to say I am finally an american. :flag:






Arnald Schwartzaneger in 08!!!!


- At the end of Clinton's term we were beginning a recession so you cant say the economy was great if youve actually studied econ over the past 10 years. Clinton may have had great economic success his first 7 years in office but it began rolling downhill before bush took office. Bush took over an already slumping economy which as of now is currently on the rise with the lowest unemployment % Bush has had his entire 2 terms

- Home mortgages during the Clinton terms were round out to be 7-8%. Mortgages have been the cheapest during Bush's entire term. You can get a home right now at 6.5% and during 9/11 people were refinancing at 4.25%....so your idea of cheap rates during the Clinton term is a fantasy

- Whole 9/11 idea is well...just plain stupid

- Jobs have been outsourced under Bush? Bush isnt evn for outsourcing of jobs. his whole agenda is to keep jobs in the states to improve the economy. Bush has no control over outsourcing unless he can had out tax breaks to large companies looking to outsource to India which he wont do

- I hope your Schwartzanger(sp?) idea is a joke. Because all Americans know you cant become president unless your were born in the US. Arnold may not even get re-elected as Governor in California...


Not a fan of Bush, but you cant make uneducated statements out of your ass

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I said everything I wanted to say in the old thread, and the facts still stand. Except, of course, for the part where Ben went in and edited my second to last post but did not take 'credit' for it. :wtf:

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