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What do you think?


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Been looking at this for a while. Finally bought and installed it today. What do you think? Part of me likes it, part of me thinks it looks stupid. Opinions? Excuse the dirty/dusty truck. It's gonna rain tonight.








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somtimes we ask the opinions of others to justify our own. me i personally dont like it but this is my opinion. some may not like my monotone front end and colormatched everything, but i do...... so, if you like it more power to ya and dont change it no matter anyones opinion :thumbs:

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somtimes we ask the opinions of others to justify our own.  me i personally dont like it but this is my opinion.  some may not like my monotone front end and colormatched everything, but i do......  so, if you like it more power to ya and dont change it no matter anyones opinion :thumbs:


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somtimes we ask the opinions of others to justify our own.  me i personally dont like it but this is my opinion.  some may not like my monotone front end and colormatched everything, but i do......  so, if you like it more power to ya and dont change it no matter anyones opinion :thumbs:




I never change just because others do or don't like something. When I first looked at my Keystone hood most of the feedback was negative from this site. Everyone at the time prefered the cowl style. Now how many others have the keystone? Problem is my taste changes constantly. Think what I'll do is live with it for a while and see if it grows on me or not. Really thought it would look better on a black truck than it does though.



not my thang, but i do like your hitch cover!!


Thanks :thumbs:


Hitch cover is just a cheapo chevy cover painted with some vinyl SS's stuck on it. About $25.00 total.

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Did the local ricer club hook you up with that but now spoiler? Damn Jackals...


Smells like someone trying to instigate crap to me.


The whole thing he has going on his back window was started by pickup trucks (american flags and bald eagles anyone). That is in no way, shape, or form ricer-esque.

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At first I thought :wtf: But the more I look at it the more I like it. :) The purple face part definently stands out on that black truck, as does the dust. :jester:

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i thinks its like one of those things that look really cool....just not on my truck.

i dunno its not my thing, but i try and have NO stickers or markings etc on my truck. i like the clean look. but again some people like the nothing on look and some people like to add stuff. more power to you then

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Did the local ricer club hook you up with that but now spoiler? Damn Jackals...


Some people shouldn't talk.


Are you drunk?


By the way, I don't think it looks that bad. I think it would look cool if it was a little bit darker and less noticible (catch what I am saying?). Maybe put some tint over it?

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