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Gas station chaos


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Well today i had to run out and do a few things and of course i was on empty so i figured I would go get gas at this sunoco that is usually really cheap. As i'm pulling in I see this car that is basically sitting there blocking half the one side of the lot where you need to swing around to line up for a pump. Well just my luck that as i pull the pump closest to me has a guy with a truck and trailer in it basically blocking both pumps since he is using the one further up and his trailer is blocker the one i'm going for. Well he fills his truck, then pulls it forawd some so he can now do his lawn mowers on the trailer. What do ya know i'm next :D As soon as i pull up to the pump I hear a car horn just blaring, who is it, the stupid ass girl that was blocking everyone when you pulled in, she gets out and is just flipping out at me as shes walking over to towards me cursing up a storm saying, "That was my F'in pump, i've been here for 10 min, you motha F'er, etc etc." I look at her and she looked like a run down crack whore, covered in dirt and other stuff all over. So my remark was, your a moron, should of been paying attention, I kept it plain and simple.


So she starts yelling again and as she's flipping out even more on me the truck with the trailer in front of me pulls away, so now she is running back to her car. Well I see some dude in a pretty badass lowrider pulling in so I immediately waved him into the open pump. He gets out and starts laughing asking me if that girl was just flipping out cause I took her pump or something and said yes she was and now your going to hear it. Next thing you know, theres that horn blowing away and out she comes yelling at this dude, he's just laughing and told her to take her busted ass vehicle elsewhere.


Round 3: the pump next me just cleared out, there she goes running back to her car which was actually pretty close to that pump. Now and older guy and his wife pull in from the other end of the pump in there little s10 so now they just blocker her from the side she needed to come in from. They started to back up to let her in and once again you hear the horn blowing and she's yelling "move that F'in truck you SOB" The older guy immediatly hits his breaks and pulls the truck back up to where he was orinally blocking her from pulling into the pump, and calmly gets out and says, "if you werent such an obnoxious (sp) bitch and watched your language you would be getting gas right now" I lost it right there and so did the kid in the other truck that was still filling up.


So now i'm done filling up and getting ready to leave and once again i hear a horn blasting away only i dont see her now, she must of went to the other side of the gas station and my view is blocked or something. So now i'm pulling out of the station and I look over and sure enough theres her car and her flipping out, only now, i guess she saw a spot open on the other side and she tore ass after it and when wrapping around the gas station in such a rush she hit a police car :crackup: I gave a little honk and thumbs up to her as i drove by. I just cant believe people get this crazy over gas.


Oh and it was $3.04 for 93 but i guess it was changing later on or something and thats why it was so hectic. Long story but I thought it was funny, i guess you really had to be there to see everything go down the way it did.

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I dont know wtf she was thinking, all she had to do was pick a line and stay in it but she kept trying to sqeeze into spots as soon as people left, there must of been 5-6 cars that came after she was yelling at me and were able to get there gas before she even tagged the cop car because they picked a lane and stayed in it.

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