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too excited to hold back... custom box lid


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ok ok ok ok... i know, and before-hand i will apologize... i dont have pics YET but i PROMISE them this week, as long as i can get off work early enough to have some sort of sunlight/light... ANYWHO, way too excited to hold this back any longer....


i have ImpoSStor SS get to work for me, and i will tell you it was 100% WORTH IT!!

we designed a Volant air-box lid made of Lexane clear plastic (decient thickness)... so now... since the truck is blue, the Volant filter is blue... it kinda matches (def. looks diff.) ALSO... he whipped me up a "Fuel Slut" decal to place on top of the lid (in SS silverado font/color - which goes without saying) I personally think it looks better than my flaky (peeling) stock volant lid... like i said, pics to come... hang in there :banghead:

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... :D Kind of did it too. I have a lexan one that I brushed with 500 grit sand paper with an SS sticker on it. Pealed the sticker off and now the SS is the only part that is see through.


That got old, so I made some thick twill carbon fiber and made a REAL carbon fiber lid. I liked that on the best so I kept it.


I will post some pics tonight as well! Jboyss saw my carbon fiber one :cool:


I did it for strength and seal first, looks 2nd but I will have to admit, the deep twill carbon fiber with silver highlights is impressive looking without getting too "rice".




You broke the SSS.com rule of no posts till you have pics!!!! :smash:

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krambo... you broke the rule of stealin my thread! :crackup:


and Zippy... the day will come, where i have time, light, and dry pavement (and operational transmission)... :crackup: i promise....


- fine... screw quality... you guys are ruthless... your gonna get a "rough cut" pic of it and thats it.... well maybe a pic or two of my up-comming tricks :wink:

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ok.... and to make up for the tease...


an even BIGGER TEASE!!!










- ok... and a lil' contest.... the first one to correctly point out and name ALL the parts lying there on my bed... i will paypal that person $1.00




good luck!

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