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Immediate help needed please....

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Why is it that something is always going wrong? You can't fix one problem without something else coming up?

Anyhow.. last night on the way home I got into a little freeway race with a guy in an older standard cab chevy. I shut it down when I couldn't see him in the rear view any longer and everything seemed fine until this morning.

Now.. whenever I am giving it gas the truck feels like it's studdering. I tried putting it in neutral to see if it was the engin and gave it a few rev's but that's working fine. The weird thing is it will do this studder in every gear including reverse... and it's not only when it first shifts but all the way through every gear. It almost feels like the issue everyone has where there will be a pause from a stop before she catches.. but it just does that over and over... feels like its doing a put put put put.

The RPM's are not jumping during any of this... and the truck still drives and has power... but something is definatly wrong. I had the shift kit installed a few months ago and there has not been any issues stemming from that so far.

Do you think it's the tranny or could it be something else? Please dont tell me I need to get a new tranny or have it rebuilt!


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Everything I am reading points more twards a blown head gasket than anything else. Does this sound right? If that's the case... how much would it cost to fix??? Hopefully not as much as a new tranny. Is there anything fun I can have installed while they fix the gasket if that is the case?

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I just went out to check on the signs I could of a head gasket. The exhaust is not smoky... at least not any more than usual and the only thing running out of it is water. There is no loss of collant in the pressure tank and I let it run for a while... there were no bubbles either. There was also no signs for grey sludge or anything on the oil cap.. and the oil seems fine.

I'm not sure what else I can actually do here without bringing it someplace. Anyone have an idea what this could be?


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