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camel spider?


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hey jon how is the new interceptor treating you??

I thought it was called a camel spider but maybe it was something different. someone had posted pics of a huge spider from Iraq like say maybe 18" or so? :dunno:


I actually just got it hooked up today because I mounted them in the upper console the wires weren't long enough I had to add like 18" which took me a bit of time cutting soldering and heat shrinking everything back together. But they work great! :thumbs: They are a little hard to look at while on the freeway in traffic but anyother time they aren't bad. I still have a bit of messing and learning to do with them!

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Thanks thats the one! One ugly MoFo. They said on the news lastnight that they found 3 of them in Riverside California (lucky Chase). I read that they only get 6" long though i'd bet that one just looks so bit because it's so close to the camera compared to everything else.

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Thanks thats the one! One ugly MoFo. They said on the news lastnight that they found 3 of them in Riverside California (lucky Chase). I read that they only get 6" long though i'd bet that one just looks so bit because it's so close to the camera compared to everything else.

6 inches is a big damn spider.....i saw a show once where the had a sp9der behind a huge clock...the damn thing easily had a radius of a foot or two...freaking scart

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the reason they call them camel spiders is they latch on the belly of camels and they eat them from the belly up... I think... those things are nasty.... :wtf:

lol thats a myth dude...lol 6 inches lol yea whatever they can get pretty narly big. The ones in afganistan arent as big as the ones in iraq from he guys i talked to that have been both places. The ones in afgan...the area i was in....get fat more than long. They also say that they cant jump thats a bunch of BS i seen the lil (*&% jump before. They are about the speed of a mouse too. They are quick trying to catch them is a task. I have some very bad pictures of them the first time we went to afgan. I will see if my friend has some that are better quality. Sometimes they come at you not chasing you but chasing your shadow cause its cooler and when you move they follow it. So it is as if they are chasing you. If you look closely at their mouth you can tell see its shapped funny. Think of predator, The mouth chews up and down and side to side. They can eat a hole thru a moth like us ripping paper. they arent to bad small but when the get bigger they get kinda freaky looking. They also feel completely differnt than you would think they would. THe belly is all squishy. They say that the ones in that picture are fake and cant get that big. Scientists that say that have never been to those places where you see them all the time long enough. They also say that they numb you when they bite. But i dont know anybody that was welling to take the risk for the help of science.Well dont know much about cars but i Know a lil about camel spiders due to first hand experince.

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the reason they call them camel spiders is they latch on the belly of camels and they eat them from the belly up... I think... those things are nasty.... :wtf:

lol thats a myth dude...lol 6 inches lol yea whatever they can get pretty narly big. The ones in afganistan arent as big as the ones in iraq from he guys i talked to that have been both places. The ones in afgan...the area i was in....get fat more than long. They also say that they cant jump thats a bunch of BS i seen the lil (*&% jump before. They are about the speed of a mouse too. They are quick trying to catch them is a task. I have some very bad pictures of them the first time we went to afgan. I will see if my friend has some that are better quality. Sometimes they come at you not chasing you but chasing your shadow cause its cooler and when you move they follow it. So it is as if they are chasing you. If you look closely at their mouth you can tell see its shapped funny. Think of predator, The mouth chews up and down and side to side. They can eat a hole thru a moth like us ripping paper. they arent to bad small but when the get bigger they get kinda freaky looking. They also feel completely differnt than you would think they would. THe belly is all squishy. They say that the ones in that picture are fake and cant get that big. Scientists that say that have never been to those places where you see them all the time long enough. They also say that they numb you when they bite. But i dont know anybody that was welling to take the risk for the help of science.Well dont know much about cars but i Know a lil about camel spiders due to first hand experince.

They've actually got a pretty good write-up on Wikipedia - you should add to the article!


Mr. P. :)

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