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Monitoring w/handheld


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LS1M Scanner with Palm


Would this be better than a scan guage??


I like being able to send the logs to my tuner.


They are coming out with color :D


It looks pretty cool, but it would be tedious to go through the log. I didn't see but can you export it to excel? I didn't see the cost, but you may be better served by a wideband O2 sensor. I guess it depends on your ultimate goals, but if you're like me you'll end up buying HPtuners or EFI live because they are much more user friendly, and you won't want to rely on or wait for someone else. I guess I'm not much help but you may be better off to save for HPtuners.



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it has aetting that you can have to trigger the logging.  yes you can download to excel.  I think you can use a different pocket PC :confused:


plus the plam $250

Looking at a log in Excel is very primitive to say the least. Unless that person can manipulate it well enough to get it line-graphed. You're better off just buying the logging suites of the two main software loads out there. You can always upgrade to tune option later - at least EFILive offers this.


To continue banging around for the cheapest option will cost you more in the long run. Your money.

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To continue banging around for the cheapest option will cost you more in the long run.  Your money.

thanks :crazy:


Check this site for bluetooth handheld OBD II. Vital Engineering.

that is cool too, wire less :cool:

I just want a mod that is appearence-cool to monitor w/hand held, even cooler wireless

and a Mod that is for performance.


Dont know if I want to tune, just not my bag of tricks. I want to help the tuner, but I doubt I will ever tune enough to make it worth it. Plus I would not get to a level that I would be comfortable with...in tuning ability :thumbs:


  Your money.

yep, my money.

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EFILive offers just a scanning program - you do not have to upgrade to tuning if you don't want to. It is one of the best scanners/loggers on the market - period.


Does HPT have it's own version of just the scanning/logging side of the software suite? If they do, then I would look at either version to do what you want to do.


Bottom line, if you get something that is "cool" to you, you may not be helping your tuner as well as you think. It is within $75 of what you have posted to get the EFILive scan/log than what you have posted. I am sure that the tuner you choose will have either suite, therefore using the same program they use will allow for easier read of your logs and allow them ease in reading your logs vs looking at excel files. If you have seen either views of the logged files, which I know you have, then you know what I mean.

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