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Its not quite the lottery BUT!!!!


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I just recieved a phone call of a lifetime, well for me anyway! I got a call from MTX, a car and home audio company. they are asking my shop to build them a demo car for the SEMA show in October/November!!!!!! That is about all I can say for now, but to me this is a dream come true!!!! It also means I will get to go to Vegas again this year! WOO HOO!!


I will let you all know more when I can. but just wanted to share this with you guys!

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If you are serious audio/video person then yeah it is a lot of fun. There's the pavillion itself, and you will see all the coming year's products and the little rooms where they ink the multi-million dollar deals, boring but lots of booth babes, most willing to pose for a cam shot. Then the parking lot outside, lots of factory sponsored boom wagons and where you can really find some cutting edge installers if you know who to ask, some great brains to pick. Then there's the motel rooms, the very elite high-end audio gear demonstrations - the type of stuff where you don't dare ask how expensive it is! ("what, these POS speakers cost $15K?!") THEN, there's the adult entertainment industry trade show (going on at the same time), we had a great time with that! :devil: No after parties though, my boss at the time was a bit "to task". :tear:


Mr. P. :)

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good stuff man, keep us posted on how everything progresses!!!


Oh and you need to enlarge your sig a little more!!  At least you finally learned how to post it, lol



one step at a time on the sig. :) I will leak what I can as soon as I can. just dont want to pi$$ anyone off. CES is HUGE!, but from what I hear, for the car enthusiast, SEMA is the only way to go. I have never been but this year will be sweet!


Looking forward to showing and tellin you all about it!

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That's awesome! I'll be out there for both SEMA and CES this year too. Our company is working on a unique project for this year. I even have Zippy coming out to the shop tomorrow a little tuning. :devil: I can't wait to have this thing done!!!

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Dude that is AWESOME!  I miss my CES days. :sigh:  Did they have any constraints, like product line or type of vehicle or ???


Mr. P. :)


Heh, I've heard about the CES convention from some of my co-workers here at eBay and the adult convention that occurs simultaneously. But I'm sure you're definitely there for the technology exclusively. :crazy:

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