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SS Silv

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Well some of you might have noticed that I haven't been around lately.

I have suffered from major deppresion/anxiety since I was 14. And a mixture of a few things caused me to enter a treatment center on the 22nd(aug) to help treat my depression. I was so tired of dealing with depression, I knew this was the right thing to do.

This all happened the day after my 21st birthday. We first went out for supper, then started to hit the bars, needless to say, I got wasted. The next morning when I woke up I was so depressed and my anxiety level was extremely high. (yes I know alcohol is a depressant and took a huge part me of me going in for treatment. There were a mixture of things that caused my anxiety level to be so high. #1- I just moved away from home and this was the first time I have lived on my own, so needless to say, I was real homesick. #2 I was just starting my 3rd year of college, and college creates huge amounts of anxiety for me, and #3 alcohol is a major depressant and didn't help my situation at all. So all 3 of these factors was like a huge time bomb and it exploded. I called my good friend and she drove me to a very nice treatment center not far from my apt. The doctors switched my medication and I have to join in on group talks throughout the day. The medication is finally kicking in and the group talks are helping me also. I will be in treatment for another 2 weeks, but it will be well worth it. Right now I am on a 3 hour pass which I am allowed to leave the treatment center.


Any feedback is appreciated.

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Hang in there. Things will get better. Just the fact that you had the brains to seek help is a very good sign. Life can be a bitch at times but it always seems to turn around for the better. Stick with the rehab. You know you can do it.

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Hey man, i know what your going through. I suffer from stress related anxiety myself, though sounds like not quite as severe as you. Most of my anxiety comes from my job. I work in a very high stress environment. My doctor put me on zoloft, which helps a ton. I sleep better at night as well. If you ever need anything, feel free to shoot me a email, ALL of us here are here for you.

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Good luck dude everything will be alright. You know when ever you want to talk there are plenty of ears here :thumbs:
:withstupid: My ex-wife is depressive (bi-polar) I learned a lot in that relationship. Meds, counseling, doctors, the law - you name it been there, done that. At least you're not outside every Tuesday morning using the vacuum to clean the leaves off the rear porch :jester:


What helps - for god's sake take care of yourself, meaning that you have to realize your body chemistry is not quite perfect (another example of that is diabetes) and so you have got to live better than the next guy, meaning get 8+ hours sleep every night, get your nutrition totally lined-out, and get into a regular lifting/workout routine; all those things will help you to get command of your own body chemistry. Read "Body For Life" (Amazon.com). Once you get your life in order a lot of things fall into place - and don't be f'ing around with those meds until you've got the BASICS under control or you will just be yo-yo-ing for years as the 'professionals' jerk around with your medications and dosages.


Group therapy is a good thing. I'm going to qualify that - group therapy in a situation which allows you to discover who you are is a good thing; group therapy that actually serves as a 2-hour bitch session or pity party is a total waste of time and you will exit the session in worse depression than when you entered.


re professionals - having lived it with the ex-wife, I can say that Chris Rock hit the nail on the head when he said that in your high school class there were a few that were F students no matter how much help they received, and there were a few A students no matter how hard the subject or homelife, and the rest of the class hovered somewhere around a C-. Point is - most diploma'd doctors got their credentials with a C-; take the time to find an A student, the others will unknowingly MAKE YOUR LIFE TOTAL HELL. In seven years my ex-wife and I went to eight different doctors (we moved 4 times) and I can honestly say that only two of the eight were persons worth a damn, one of the eight did major damage to both my ex-wife and our relationship (that woman single-handedly killed our marriage in 2+ months), and the others were ho-hum. When dealing with brain chemistry make sure you get a genious on your side, I would not deal with any person having less than a PhD.


There are a few good internet forums out there both for persons dealing with brain chemistry issues (example, Roses & Thorns is for bi-polars) and their spouses and I would highly recommend participating on one of the better moderated forums, they are a great resource to professionals in your area with proven track records in helping others.


You are at the beginning of the journey of figuring out who you really are, what it is that makes you tick and why you do what you do. And it's going to take a while and some insight. There are some really good folks out there that can help you do just that.


There you go, my feedback. This knowledge, and a lot more, cost me $520,000 (no that's not a typo) please get all the value you can from it.


Mr. P.

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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Mr.P I was waiting for you to chime in, thanks for the info :thumbs:


And to the rest of you guys, thanks for your support.


I am on another 3 hours pass which allows me to go to my apartment and chill out, I have been feeling alot better the past few days.


Thanks again.

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