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Would you fire a pair of employees for hooking up?


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Interesting drama in the building today -


There are two persons here in the building where I work, they have had a quiet relationship the last few months (many of us were not aware, including me). These are both good people and productive employees, mid-management level. This is not an affair, one person is divorced and the other is unmarried. The couple last week shared that they are going to marry and as a result the CEO asked one of the couple for a resignation; since then the shit has kinda hit the fan.


So, opinions? If you were running a company how would you handle a situation like this? Personally I don't care who's seeing whom afterhours, but that's me...


Mr. P.

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No, I would not fire either of them if they were productive employees. If at all possible I would do my best to separate their working areas if they worked with each other. I'm not a lawyer by any means, but I don't think that your boss can legally force either of them to resign.

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...Personally I don't care who's seeing whom afterhours, but that's me...


Mr. P.


:withstupid: thats a dumb policy... if they are productive i believe they should be able to do whatever the hell they want... its when they aren't productive as a result of the relationship, then there is a problem. just my $0.02

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No, I would not fire either of them if they were productive employees.  If at all possible I would do my best to separate their working areas if they worked with each other.  I'm not a lawyer by any means, but I don't think that your boss can legally force either of them to resign.

I am not sure about the legal standing in Texas, I believe that it's a 'employment at will' state. Still, something like this can't possibly be legal. What makes this worse is that this is not the first time this CEO has done this, he dismissed two other people in 2000 for the same thing (announcing an engagement) but kinda got away with it because there was major drama in that deal, lots of disruption.


Mr. P. :)

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If it doesnt affect their work then leave em be. Do they have legal grounds well possibly, depends on what the company's policy is b4 they got engaged. Tx is a work at will state but there are fed mandated that would supercede this. A call to the EEOC would probably clarify this.

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At my PD I can't supervise my spouse if she were to work there. Does your company have an "Employee Handbook", "SOP", etc, if not, you should see if you can get one written, then everyone knows the rules.
Naaa this company (not my company thank god) doesn't have anything like that. I actually worked a job supervising my spouse for 3+ years; we never had one ounce of trouble ever. The boss took advantage of it though, it ended-up very ugly.


Mr. P.

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As long as one doesn't have power over the other (one's not the other's boss)...who cares.


If they do work closely together, or one is the other's superior...then they need to be transferred or reassigned, something along those lines.


My $0.02


- Brian

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I dont see the problem with it if they relationship isnt getting caught up in work like problems 1. home problems coming to work or 2. One of the two was a high up managment and was pulling favorites with the other but if nothing like that is happening i dont see a problem :dunno:

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Being a people manager and working for a few of the largest global companies, this hits home. I would say that your coworkers need to get a lawyer. While your state is a "work at will" state, I will bet $$$ that there were several federal laws violated. As long as your coworkers were not under a collective bargaining agreement or have done something to void their employment commitment (stated in the employee handbook - or whatever term your company uses) they have legal rights and have been discriminated against. Hell even if they left on their own terms, I wouldn't be surprised if a settlement for "constructive discharge" could be granted by the courts. I have been involved with this and have seen it before...

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I would not fire them. The "At will employer" clause only applies if they are fired and not given a reason. If they are being fired for a specific reason and that reason is not in the contract/employee handbook, a lawsuit is warrented and that person will likely win.

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OK I now know a whole lot more than I wanted to know! In all this bruhaha it seems that 1/3 of the staff has Biblical Knowledge of the other. :lol: And they are all scared shitless; seems that W (male) started a romance with M (female) several years ago, and after a year and moving in together W started an affair with C, who happens to be M's boss and after a couple months it was uncovered by M so she kicks W out of the house and M and C endure a 'strained relationship' 10-ft from each other every day; so everyone chills out for a few months and C then hooks up with B (another man) for a couple one-night stands which end abruptly when B decides to take up with the company receptionist L for a hot and heavy weekend leaving W and C free to reconnect while W is simultaneously trying to get into my next door neighbor's pants (scout's honor swear to god). I am so thankful my desk is at the other end of the building. :lol:


Mr. P. :)

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OK I now know a whole lot more than I wanted to know!  In all this bruhaha it seems that 1/3 of the staff has Biblical Knowledge of the other. :lol: And they are all scared shitless; seems that W (male) started a romance with M (female) several years ago, and after a year and moving in together W started an affair with C, who happens to be M's boss and after a couple months it was uncovered by M so she kicks W out of the house and M and C endure a 'strained relationship' 10-ft from each other every day; so everyone chills out for a few months and C then hooks up with B (another man) for a couple one-night stands which end abruptly when B decides to take up with the company receptionist L for a hot and heavy weekend leaving W and C free to reconnect while W is simultaneously trying to get into my next door neighbor's pants (scout's honor swear to god).  I am so thankful my desk is at the other end of the building. :lol:


Mr. P. :)


+2 carry the 7 ???? WTF did you just say hahaha :crackup: Wow... Just wow good luck with that P.

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