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Got to love the people from California


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I'm going to sue MsDonalds for making me fat.  :rolleyes: I'm sure these people that brought this suit on drive one of those brand of cars. If not, I'm sure they have a car.


I think something like this has been done already. I'm going to sue GM for my speeding tickets lol :crackup: or maybe sue the cop who wrote me up. It's his fault I got caught speeding. he made me do it :crackup:

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Beat me to the punch.


It's too bad those horrible automakers forced all of these people in this state to buy their cars and use them... :nonod:



Dumbasses. Can't stand that I have to live so close to that ideological hellhole they call San Francisco...

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Things must be kinda slow at the State Attorney General's office lately. Aren't they supposed to be prosecuting child molesters and murderers or something? Oh, I keep forgetting, this is California, where crime is just a psychological problem


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Things must be kinda slow at the State Attorney General's office lately.  Aren't they supposed to be prosecuting child molesters and murderers or something?  Oh, I keep forgetting, this is California, where crime is just a psychological problem


You mean like OJ, and Robert Blake.
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Things must be kinda slow at the State Attorney General's office lately.  Aren't they supposed to be prosecuting child molesters and murderers or something?  Oh, I keep forgetting, this is California, where crime is just a psychological problem



Went after Jacko... What an enourmous waste of money that ended up being...

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The most interesting thing I discovered recently is that today's atmospheric CO2 is at one of the lower points every recorded. When you graph CO2 across the time frame of know CO2 readings, you guessed it, we're sitting admist the lowest trough every recorded. For most of Earth's history, CO2 levels were exponentially higher than they are now. CO2 levels are not even rising at the fastest rate ever recorded. It is true that mass extinction events occured and that scientists believe the cause may have been CO2 levels, but those levels were like 600x what we have now and two of the five occurred when CO2 was DECREASING.


More shoddy science perpetrated by the media.

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