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Our baby is premature

Pasadena SS

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First of all congrats and my thoughts and prayers are for all of you.


My nephew was born weighing in at 2.5 lbs and less then 12 inches long when he was born premature. He stayed in the hospital for about 2.5 months. I must say it was one of the hardest things to see him in the hospital so helpless but you have to keep positive and pray. The medical field today is so advanced that they can literally work miracles. My nephew is now 5 years old and a bundle of joy.


Infants are a lot tougher then most people think and I am sure your daughter will be fine. Keep your head up and spend as much time as you can with her right now. Your girlfriend and you should touch her as much as possible b/c in my nephews case you could tell a difference in his vitals the moment his mother touched him.



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Congrats on the new one. I can imagine that with not only the baby giving you something to worry about you also have the mom having a rough time. As with the other's I'll be checking back often to see how things are going.

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I'm with mwarren about the mother's touch. My first child just goes into an instant grin and good mood whenever his mother shows him any sign of attention. It really is a close bond between the mother and the child. Any talking, touching, just being close and the baby can tell. I continue to follow your journey. Continuing good luck man !!!!

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My 3 other girls are great. ...

It's good to have so many cheerleaders with you, that helps. Hmmm now you've got a 4th little cheerleader... :P Sounds like everyone is recovering well, hope you are through the worst of it now.


When do we get pics?!


Mr. P. :)

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  • 1 month later...

After a few scares looks like our baby Maryjanye is gonna be just fine. I didn't update at all because at times it was pretty difficult. She got really sick from an infection in mid October and had to be transported from Glendale Adventist Hospitol to White Memorial Hospitol in Los Angeles. There the doctor told us that if she wasn't getting better by 24 hours we were gonna loose her. That was the longest 24 hours of my life but Maryjayne is a fighter. Her condition got better and better and now I am happy to tell you all that she is schedule to come home in 10 days. I'm so happy.





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Hey congrats!! Just by reading all the posts, it looks like you have alot of friends on here that have gone thru the exact same thing. Always great when you have moral support from anyone that has gone thru, not just a similar, but the same situation. Just by looking at the pics, she looks like a strong little girl. Glad to see that everyone's health is improving.


I don't have any of my own, but my first niece turns 1 next Saturday.

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