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4L65E / converter breakage

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Man for spending over $3K on a tranny that lasted less than 2200 miles, you seem very confident  and proud of a company who left you stranded on the side of the road!  Not saying thats a bad thing, but you handle it very well...  I lost a couple of trannies from some guys who built it at the dealership, and I wanted to crack their skulls open.  Now that my tranny shop built me a good tranny (knock on wood) I am happy.  But if it was to blow up in the time yours did, I wouldnt be goin around advertising for them right away... lol  (Hey everyone!  My FLT tranny broke in 2K miles!!  FLT is the best!!!  Buy from them!) 





:nono: Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn in an unfortunate situation. I take offense to your comment in case you didn't catch my drift. If I blew up my motor with a 500hp shot of nitrous, do I blame NOS, NX or Zex? Reputation is what the world thinks a company is; character is what they really are. ;)



After re-reading what I posted, i see how you could have taken offense to my post. Sorry to come off that way man... I was meaning to state that you are handling it better or more professional than I would have in the same situation, and thats what I was getting at. Most people wouldnt be advertising and bragging about a company after having a bad experience. I guess after having such bad experience with my trannies, I forget to realize there are others out there who havent had as bad of an experience as mine :banghead:


Krambo, good luck on your tranny rebuild... I was in your shoes, and being that my truck is my daily driver, I understand your situation.



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ill say this it is nice to have someone that will warranty the tranny even if your putting to much power to it, but just the hassle of having to pull it, box it up and ship it is alot to do imo, thats the only reason why i didnt go with an flt l5 tranny, i had a local shop do it and they have quiet a good reputation for building a strong 60/65e . and they also warranty it even if your overpowering it, if i remmeber correctly they said it should take around 600 hp but thats cutting it close, and knock on wood its done good so far.

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just like to add that chuck and FLT are a great comapny, and i would definatly buy from them. my tranny looks almost exactly like that one, but no hole. just shavings of teeth from anything keyed lol. i killed my stock tranny in 800 miles, and the only thing salvagable is the GM 5 pinion carries :banghead:

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I have been quiet on this forum since I posted this however I felt the need to provide updates:


1. Cause of all my issues was confirmed as the Yank 2600TT Torque converter. Apparantely I lost the converter which sent piles of fine metal through the system eventually clogging the filter which in turn starved the tranny of fluid (obvious from the pics). Because of this, I lost the Pump and some other minor parts. The chip of metal that was in the pan was a chip off the case where the dipstick is inserted. More than likely, this broke off during the install / removal of the tranny. I for one know that the dipstick was not gently removed so I attribute that to MY error. I had a tranny shop do the install due to my heavy work schedule so I cannot speak for the install... only the removal. This time I am doing the install.


Chuck at FLT kindly sent me a ton of pictures of the internals so I thought I would share a select few with the forum.



Dipstick access with missing chip:



Pump parts (vanes etc.):






So what caused the converter to let loose after 2200 miles,...no oil at initial start up, mfg defect, abuse or power handling capabilities? I don't know. I do know that several guys had the same issue I had. (MNC5, aka Dennis, if you are reading, here is another one). I am going with a PI Vigalante converter this time.


Hopefully I will be able to get to a lathe this weekend with the Yank converter and cut the sucker open. That would be a tough job with a Dremmel :ughdance:

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So sorry to hear about the converter problems too. PI is located very close to me and has a great product, just look at the $$$. I know that is what I want for a converter.


Hope is all comes together quickly.



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Damn... that makes me wonder about my truck now. I am running the same converter, I hope mine doesnt do the same. I think the problem is the TT2600 doesnt have anti-ballooning or triple disc lockup plates... the anti-ballooning is for when there is extreme power off the line (NOS launches and such) so maybe its because you are making so much power down low now, the converter just cant hang. The PI converter has those anti-ballooning plates so that will be much better. Now I am crossing my fingers.. lol :banghead:

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Well, I finally got around to  posting some pics of the "visible" debris from my unfortunate loss of my tranny / converter. 


First is the metalic sludge in the bottom of my transmission pan.  There was at least an 1/8 inch of this undesireable stuff.  I deffinately wasn't going anywhere and the rollback was necessary  :eek:


The metalic sludge was very thick, I had to scrape it out.  Mostly non-magnetic, but there was some that stuck to the magnet.




So, what do all of you tranny guru's think happened?  :dunno:  I wish the 80E was an easy and inexpensive swap for the AWD system.  I will give the 65E another round and if it should have issues, an FLT 85E should solve it.  I will miss my AWD though...


If anyone ever drops their pan and see's this kind of mess you can throw the converter in the garbage, I don't care who's converter it is. After that you better replace the radiator trans cooler and aux. cooler if your using one. Then be sure to flush or better yet replace all the cooler lines because you won't get all the metal out. Obvisouly the trans needs to be completely disassembled, cleaned, and rebuilt, that's a no brainer. Hopefully this will teach some of the experts out there not to assume it's the trans that failed automatically and that torque converters can and do fail.



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