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Dog died Sunday


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Hi Kim, I think you did everything within your power to care for your dog, and you don't have anything to feel guilty for. If it helps any - as time goes on the bad will fade; it might take a couple years but you will be left with the good memories. It's good to hear that you care as much as you do, there are a lot of people in this world that have no real regard for animals let alone their pets. I'm so sorry to read about your loss, I can really feel the anguish. But it's more important to focus on how they lived, not how they died. How they lived, that's the key.


Mr. P.

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sorry to hear that man, i lost my dog ,a golden retriever from cancer, we grew up together, when he died it hurt alot, and now even till today when i see a golden it reminds me of him , wisj i had him back, but anyway sorry, like the other guys say time will heal ya, but take time before ya get a new one

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