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lousy job market


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I'm glad to see my tax dollars at work!! I'm glad to see the judge agrees with the guy and he only gets a 3 year sentence!!! That's the message we want to send to people? Thank God there are still sensible people out there who work and manage through tough times. People like this guy are the ones who probably want all sorts of government hand outs (Federal health insurance, well fare, etc) and suck this nation dry.


---There could be a remote possibility that this guys has really really bad luck and what I said is wrong, There is also a remote possibility that pigs can fly-- RANT OFF



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The reason he is so concerned with money at 63?? Probably b/c he is either uneducated, lazy, or a combination of the 2. If he had worked hard like an intelligent human being perhaps he'd have some type of retirement package to live on at this point in his life... or at least some form of savings.


On the outside chance this guy worked for Enron, I'll withthold any further judgement... but it angers me that I work my ass off starting at 16 years old and continue to do so to this day (and will for the next 30 years +) so I don't end up like this guy, but when his money runs out its somehow the "job market" that is the problem.

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