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If its going to be the same fine if you take it to court....Then take it to court.

And if the cop doesn't show that's 600 bucks you don't have to worry about. If the cop does show, oh-well, at least you tried.

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Look I know I messed up...I know I did...but im asking wuts the best option for me to do...Regardless if I go to trial or not Im still gonna pay the same fine..If I get lucky and the cop dont show up...they dismiss the ticket!! N if he does show up...he has no proof!! The night he pulled me over I even told him that Im not admitting to this...he told me...like this quote, "U EITHER SIGN IT OR U GET CUFFED"...of course I signed it!! But their is a feeling in me that I know I can win this one...even know I did mess up!!

Best solution... Go to court surrender your license, and stop driving! :thumbs:


Most officers have been trained to accuratly clock a car visually within 5 mph. Think about it, you work you do the same thing every day, you know what has to be done by heart yes? Well they can tell how fast your were going by just seeing you. Also, most court systems have a clerk or pay the officer to go to court, you might as well just plead guilty, because you have already admitted it here..

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This doesn't mean the cop didn't write in his notes that you and the other driver who was arrested were racing. If he wrote this in his notes he doesn't need to show up, your just screwed. When I was in H.S. I got a truency ticket and got busted drinking well the cop let us off with just the truency ticket or so we thought untill we went to court and the judge had the cops notes which stated we had also been drinking :banghead: Good thing it was a first offence and the judge let it go with a warning.

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...he told me...like this quote, "U EITHER SIGN IT OR U GET CUFFED"...of course I signed it!! But their is a feeling in me that I know I can win this one...even know I did mess up!!


Yes... sign the ticket (admissioin of guilt) or cuffed and go to jail... thats what happens when you're pulled over for racing/wreckless driving. And in cases of wreckless driving or street racing the cop DOES NOT HAVE TO SHOW UP. By signing the ticket you essentially pleaded guilty rather than going to jail and waiting for a hearing.


Not sure what the laws are where you live, but heres CA's new policy:


Street Racing Enforcement Toughened -


Under existing law it is a misdemeanor to engage in a motor vehicle speed contest and will result in imprisonment in a county jail for not less than 24 hours nor more than 90 days.


The new law will extend the penalty to not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months, or by a fine, or by both fine and imprisonment, if a person is convicted of engaging in a motor vehicle speed contest and that violation proximately causes bodily injury to a person other than the driver.


Community service of 40 hours will also be required and the privilege to operate a motor vehicle may be suspended for 90 days to six months.

If a repeat violation occurrs within 5 years of the date of a prior offense it will result in imprisonment in a county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months and there will be a specified fine. -AB 1325


Really the only reason you're headed to court now is to find out what your fines and punishment will be... best you can do is plead down the punishment, which if you get a nice judge might happen, but with 2 prior wreckless driving tickets I wouldn't get your hopes up.

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I am not one to lecture excessive speed. Or racing. But I will share that I have had another motorist pull out into traffic in front of me, and this is why you cannot be driving like that on city streets - even though you are in control you are also surrounded by a bunch of motorists many of which have no business being behind the wheel and they are not watching out for themselves let alone you. Since that close call I do not drive more than 5 to 10 over inside city limits, and that's only if there is a lot of space around me. I would hate to see you and your truck totalled.


As for your legal situation, it doesn't look good amigo. I would advise you see an attorney because you are in real trouble. You have now called a lot of attention to yourself; traffic judges deal day-in and day-out with people driving 10, 15, or even 20-over the limit but you have been cited for driving 50-over and that might happen only a few times a year, you are not going to be forgotten any time soon by the officer or the judge. And even if you point out lack of radar evidence all the officer has to do is explain the surrounding situation (the racing) and you are screwed.


Mr. P.

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I know things are different everywhere...but here...reckless driving..racing...etc...you're required to go t court....you cant just pay a fine and be done with it. you might wanna check that out....b/c like was stated..yer going to find out your punishment/fine....unless you just get really damn lucky..get a good judge and he throws it out....but with racing..and your past driving....dont hold your breath

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signing the ticket doesnt mean your admitting to the crime. it means the cop has told you what he thinks u have done wrong. everytime ive had to sign one of those the first thing he says is "THIS DOESNT MEAN YOUR ADMITTING TO THE CRIME"

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i only briefly skimmed through the posts, but my wife works for the sherriffs dept in san mateo county and i know for a fact that off duty cops get paid extra to go to court.


on another note: maybe you should have bought that 7 series beamer which couldnt win a race against a wheelbarrow then you wouldnt be in this situation. :cool:


and finally. i know we're all friends here but you are a a fricken tool. grow up and get a clue.

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Looks like this thread was created to start some drama. For some reason you think the officer was in the wrong by giving you the ticket. Maybe not completely, but you think he needed more before issuing it. It really doesn't matter either way wheather you go to court or pay the fine, you're going to pay the fine. I promise you the cop WILL show up on this one, and I'd be willing to bet that if you bring up the fact that no radar was used, your fine would be increased. Given the nature of the offense, and your 2 priors. Hopefully you will learn your lesson before someone dies.


And yes, I was a street racer from waaaaay back. When cars had big engines with lots of power. I learned my lesson by watching others be killed. It's not a pretty sight. You want to race, go to the track.

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Hey 26dub SS,


No lectures here just something to think about in court. It does not matter if you did it or not just rember this it is your word against the word of a law enforcement officer whose credibility in a court of law will be a lot higher than yours. WHo is a judge going to believe someone with prior(s) speeding tickets or a cop. :dunno:

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Good god, is this guy foreal?


Is it just me or does it seem like evertime someone gives this guy some advice, he comes up with some other excuse on why he didn't deserve the ticket? This story just keeps getting better and better. Did you happen to forget anything else that you might want to add about that night?


Want some advice?


1. Slow your @$$ down!


2. Take it in the @$$ and pay the fine!


3. Hopefully the judge will take your DL since this is a repeat offense.


4. Hopefully no insurance company will insure your @$$ because of the way you drive!


5. See #1!


6. See #5!


Any questions?


This doesn't sound like a lecture does it? :yellow_loser:


BTW: It's completely obvious that you are not looking for some advice. Your looking for someone to be on your side here. That would be pretty hard to accomplish seeing how you admitted that you have 2 priors of the same offense. :dunno: Hopefully the judge will drop the hammer on you, but I'm sure that isn't going to change your ignorant way of thinking. :nono:

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