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But in a serious note...lemme ask u a question!! This happened at midnight..in an empty road!! He didnt get me on radar..I was racing some other car! They took those guys to jail..I got a ticket!! He has no proof that I was goin that fast!! Honestly...If I go to trial..u think I can win>?>? ***ur innocent until proven guilty*** right??

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i have had several speeding tickets and everyone that i have tried to fight the cop showed up, i hear they get paid extra to show.. if the cop shows (with your past driving record) there is no way in hell you will get off, just like me! i know its b/s but radar or no radar the cops always right.. it just depends on your "luck" and if you mind taking off work two different days to fight it..

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Cops just don't write reckless driving tickets... especially 3 times... so whats the real story here??



Believe it or not...one did that to me...he wrote me a reckless driving ticket w/out a reason for the actual reckless driving....didnt get me on radar...i wasnt putting anyone in danger..it was 2 am..anyways...it was thrown out...i think he pulled me over cuz i was speeding up..my trucks loud...he assumed i was racing...and thought i was drinking and driving...o well...it does happen.....here anyway

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If I go to trial..u think I can win>?>? ***ur innocent until proven guilty*** right??


Whether or not you were going 85 in a 35 or 50 in a 35. You have admitted to all of us on here you were over the speed limit which is admitting guilt to speeding.


I, along with Dylan think you should slow the **** down. That is rediculous. You shouldnt be racing in a damn residential area anyways. Who cares what time of night the offense occured on. Wise up, own up, and be a man. You f***ed up, admit it and pay the fine.


If this issue was the cop giving you a ticket for being a few miles over the limit I could understand your frustration. But you are a serial speeder from the looks of it. I'd take your license away if I was the judge. Teach you a real lesson

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But in a serious note...lemme ask u a question!! This happened at midnight..in an empty road!! He didnt get me on radar..I was racing some other car! They took those guys to jail..I got a ticket!! He has no proof that I was goin that fast!! Honestly...If I go to trial..u think I can win>?>? ***ur innocent until proven guilty*** right??


Woah, did the story just do a 180 on me? Now your saying you were racing and not just doing some 'criminal speeding' ? Dude. He took the other guys to jail, and wrote you a ticket. He let your ass off (just like the highway patrol did to me the other night) so dont even think about fighting this. You were racing, didnt get caught, other guys got busted, I would chill out and stop racing like I am doing. This was my first.. and LAST racing ticket, and I suggest the same to you. Pay the fine and deal with it.. see if you can get traffic school.

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look chk it....LIKE I SAID BEFORE...im asking for advise not a lecture!! socallss..

the past offenses ive had I know I had no chance to fight them..but this one...I know that cop made up that speed!! no way in hell was I going that fast@!

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But in a serious note...lemme ask u a question!! This happened at midnight..in an empty road!! He didnt get me on radar..I was racing some other car! They took those guys to jail..I got a ticket!! He has no proof that I was goin that fast!! Honestly...If I go to trial..u think I can win>?>? ***ur innocent until proven guilty*** right??


Dude, are you for real right now????? You were racing and the others got cuffed and stuffed, yet you still don't see a werckless with your speed? Think about it racing is wreckless, your speed was wreckless, means you are wreckless and careless.... You probably don't deserve to have a license anyhow with your manor here. Dylan was being honest and stated what his opinion and told you to slow down, others here have said slow down.. Maybe you should take that into a note books and take the fine, reguardless of radar or not.... YOU ARE F**KED!!!

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But in a serious note...lemme ask u a question!! This happened at midnight..in an empty road!! He didnt get me on radar..I was racing some other car! They took those guys to jail..I got a ticket!! He has no proof that I was goin that fast!! Honestly...If I go to trial..u think I can win>?>? ***ur innocent until proven guilty*** right??


So whats the real story?? First you say you weren't racing and now you were?? If you're looking for sympathy here you're not gonna find it, especially if you're going to lie about what really happened.


Best of luck to you, but I honestly hope you wise up...

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You know, with every post you make on this thread, the less credible you are to me...1st you were speeding in excess, 2nd you were in a 35 mph zone, 3rd you already have two other tickets for the same thing and 4th you were street racing... all seems to me that your someone that shouldn't even be on the road. I hope you lose your license and hopefully learn your lesson (which I doubt)

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Look I know I messed up...I know I did...but im asking wuts the best option for me to do...Regardless if I go to trial or not Im still gonna pay the same fine..If I get lucky and the cop dont show up...they dismiss the ticket!! N if he does show up...he has no proof!! The night he pulled me over I even told him that Im not admitting to this...he told me...like this quote, "U EITHER SIGN IT OR U GET CUFFED"...of course I signed it!! But their is a feeling in me that I know I can win this one...even know I did mess up!!

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