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SilveradoSS.com's Evil Genie


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I got this idea from a few other forums I'm a regular on. Not sure how it'll fly here, but whatever. The basic premises is to turn peoples wishes evil. A person makes a wish, the next poster 'grants' their wish, but turns it 'evil'. Then they make a wish as well. The only rules are that the wish MUST be granted, and the granter MUST make a wish him/herself.


Examples: (These are the first few posts from the evil-genie thread on one of my other forums)


1st post: (me)

I wish I could understand women so I could see through anything and be ready for it all.



2nd post: (another poster...obviously)

Your understanding is crystal clear. The horror that accompanies your understanding turns you gay, and you're not invited to the weenie roast.


I wish ten bad things would happen to everyone I despise for every one bad thing that happens to me.



3rd Post:

Every person you hate decides to strap 10 thermite bombs to their bodies. They gather in close proximity around you and simultaneously detonate themselves, melting you all (faces melting and all).


I wish my socks would stop disappearing in the laundry.



4th Post: (me)

They stop dissapearing, but now every other article of clothing you put in the wash now goes missing.


I wish I had a personal cook that could make me all of my favorites to 100% perfection everytime, whenever I wanted.



5th Post:

You do, but he's horny, hideous, persistent, and stronger than you. He wants you to show your appreciation... physically. Now. He insists. Bon Apetite.


I wish my vision was 20/15 naturally.







Got it? Here we go!





I wish my bar (that Im a regular at) was within walking distance so I could actually get drunk there and not have to worry about driving home. (as I DO NOT drive drunk)

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Granted, however during your move to a closer proximity the bar came under new managment, you decided to show up a bit buzzed to your bar, at first you did not really think much of the shirtless bartender, however once you realized it was too late, a roofie was slipped into your drink and now there are many clips on youtube, your forums and word on the street of your "friendliness" when you get a little drunk in the gay bars.


I wish for a turkey sandwich on rye bread with lettuce and mustard. And

-- and I don't want any zombie turkeys, I don't want to turn into a turkey

myself, i dont want any old turkey or old lettuce just a regular turkey sandwhich with no birdflu or contaminents. a turkey sandwich from subway or the deli and I don't want any other weird surprises -- you got it?

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granted, your turkey sandwich is on top of your head, however it is equipped with 26" rims and it is driving 85 mph in a 35 mph zone. you had better be quick to catch this turkey sandwich.


I wish for 1,000,000 junior bacon cheeseburgers. :D

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I wish for 1,000,000 junior bacon cheeseburgers. :D


your 1m JBC's are granted although... your forced to sit and eat them all by a crazy man threatening to SLASH YOUR BACKPACK if you don't! :devil:


I wish my SSS had new paint...

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I wish for 1,000,000 junior bacon cheeseburgers. :D


your 1m JBC's are granted although... your forced to sit and eat them all by a crazy man threatening to SLASH YOUR BACKPACK if you don't! :devil:


I wish my SSS had new paint...

granted thr front shall be painted black and the rear shall be painted red :D


opps forgot about the wish....

i wish i can live in the day of the life of 26dub so i can truly appreciate my life

Edited by drako (see edit history)
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Granted. You live you uber luxerious life on 26's....however your parents are suddenly deported to mexico and you're left without a home or insurance. You can't get insurance because of your shitty record, and because your mexican you can't get a place to live outside of a shithole.


I wish I had all the money in the world!



(BTW Drako - Thats EXACTLY the type of 'granted wishes' that we want! Witty and hysterical!)

Edited by Grim_Smoker (see edit history)
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I wish I had all the money in the world!


granted, you have all the money in the world, that is why 26dubss was wondering if he should fight his ticket in the first place, cause you have all the money, and also why 26dubss wizzed through a 35mph zone, he has no money to pay attention to the speed limt!!!!!!!!










i wish i was getting a b.j right now




nixsupersport :D

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i wish i could get out posi12bolts bed but his wife will not let me :jester:


I'll tell her to let you go when I get home... she tried to pull that freaky sh*t on me once with the 12" strap on, BUT I told her NO NO... nixsupersport was the one that was into that sorta sh*t!! :eek:





I wish my SSS was as fast as Chase's truck!! :cry:

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I wish my SSS was as fast as Chase's truck!!  :cry:



Granted, but in order to do it without a SC like Chase has, you have to drop weight and remove that new front clip... but that's not enough. You also have to remove the bed... and you install light weight reverse offset gold 13's to reduce rotational mass and drop the effective gear ratio.






I wish for 100 Hooter's wings/Dom combo served to me by the best looking Hooter's girls in wet T-shirts.

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Granted. But you were drunk and you thought you were at hooters, when you really were at a gay bar and ordered 100 gay men to give you lap dances while you drank beer and orange juice thinking it was dom.







I wish I owned a midget that would follow me around and do as I say.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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