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Making Cake


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There was this little girl and her father driving home late at night...the father was driving fast trying to get home because it was late and he had to go to work the next morning...They keep driving along and the little girl see's a bum raping this old lady...the little girl says, "daddy daddy was is that old man doing to that old lady?", the father replies, "They are making cake". They keep on driving and they come upon this alley where 2 dogs are "making love"...the little girl says, "daddy daddy was are those 2 dogs doing?", the father replies, "They are making cake". They continue driving along and they come upon this bakery shop where this man is putting icing on a cake..the little girl says,"daddy daddy was is that man doing?", the father replies, "He is making cake". They get home and they go to sleep. The next morning both of them wake up and walk into the kitchen where the mother is cooking breakfast. They both sit down and the little girl says..Daddy..."I saw you and mom making cake last night and I licked the icing of the couch".....



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