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Please Send Help, Sen. Kerry

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Bush has made some seriously poor decisions about Iraq. I voted for the guy and he has not done well in that arena.


But goddammit. the economy has the lowest unemployment rate in 5 years, interest rates are still the lowest they have been in decades, the economy is booming so fast that the Fed bank is trying to put the brakes on it by raising interest rates, the stock market has hit record highs, and the outlook is fantastic. Oh...the housing market? Well duh, of course it is cooling off. Did you expect 25% appreciation per year to be around forever? Go ahead and vote democrat, then don't b!tch when the economy is in the toilet.


Bush sucks on foreign policay, agreed. As far as homeland security and economy? He and the republican party get littel credit for it.


The democrats will get control of congress because of the corruption. A dem will win the white house in the next election. We will withdraw from Iraq, it will collapse into another regime or multiple renegade states. The unemployment rate will sky rocket, probaly to 7-8%. Bankruptcy will be at an all time high, more jobs than ever will go over seas. More wellfare and govt subsidies programs will be paid out than ever before...to the poor...who dont work...but they can...another whole conversation...unions will strike until the plants that pay them are forced out of business because they cant make money to pay to high school educated people $70k per year...thats a whole nother problem too.


My predictions...

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:crackup: Great pic HRT! Refreshing to see that kind of humor from our military. :flag:


Bush has made some seriously poor decisions about Iraq.  I voted for the guy and he has not done well in that arena. 


But goddammit.  the economy has the lowest unemployment rate in 5 years, interest rates are still the lowest they have been in decades, the economy is booming so fast that the Fed bank is trying to put the brakes on it by raising interest rates, the stock market has hit record highs, and the outlook is fantastic.  Oh...the housing market?  Well duh, of course it is cooling off.  Did you expect 25% appreciation per year to be around forever?  Go ahead and vote democrat, then don't b!tch when the economy is in the toilet. 


Bush sucks on foreign policay, agreed.  As far as homeland security and economy?  He and the republican party get littel credit for it. 


The democrats will get control of congress because of the corruption.  A dem will win the white house in the next election.  We will withdraw from Iraq, it will collapse into another regime or multiple renegade states.  The unemployment rate will sky rocket, probaly to 7-8%.  Bankruptcy will be at an all time high, more jobs than ever will go over seas.  More wellfare and govt subsidies programs will be paid out than ever before...to the poor...who dont work...but they can...another whole conversation...unions will strike until the plants that pay them are forced out of business because they cant make money to pay to high school educated people $70k per year...thats a whole nother problem too.


My predictions...

:withstupid: almost entirely.


Kyle's03SilveradoSS - I will say that anymore I am caring less and less about the personal 'quirks' of the lawmakers/policymakers in our government; what matters to me is their voting record and I encourage all voters to take the time and dig up the real facts on the past voting of these jokers, that will help you decide exactly who you want to support in office or not.


Let's take John Kerry for example, while in office voted to kill the Bradley, the Abrams tank, every carrier since the 80's, the Aegis system, the F-15, the P-3 Orion, the F117/B1/B2 stealth bombers, the Patriot anti-missile system, the FA-18, in short every weapons system since 1988 to including battle armor for troops. Now this is an eager assumption on my part but I could easily imagine that with Kerry in charge our armed forces will be fighting with clubs and rocks. Kerry has also voted to slash funding of the NSA, CIA, FBI, and other kinds of intelligence organizations by billions. But the kicker is that JK proposed/voted to increase our funding of the UN by 8-fold.


Enough of the JK rant, my point is that I am never going to support any person that is going to hand over the reigns of American power to another country or foreign organization (ie the UN); to do so is tratorious [sic]. JK is a traitor, there I said it. And there are *many* more just like him in both Democratic and Republican circles.


Mr. P.


ps - just found this factoid - did you know in 20 years as a lawmaker John Kerry has only authored THREE pieces of legislation that have been passed into law? in 20 years!!!!! What a f'n looser. I just can't get enough of this guy...

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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I voted for Bush both times, and honestly, I'd do it all over again. Sure he's made some mistakes, and butchered the English language, but can you imagine Al Gore or John Kerry standing at Ground Zero with a bull horn and his arm around a fireman. I can't.

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No matter who has the head job at the whitehouse - comments like that really take away the amount of sacrifice that the men and women over there make everyday.


As far as Bush making mistakes - is there someone else you can compare to where the enemy has hit us here at home? I just wonder how many people would have been saying he didn't do enough if something similar to 9/11 happened again? It was the previous administration's fault for not doing enough that got us to 9/11.

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My little theory on politics, There is SO much information that we, the American public, are not exposed to. I don’t understand how people can argue so violently (crazy protesters at ASU 24/7) when we know ‘half’ of the real story. People often go by what they hear on ‘the news’ or in their local paper, which you’ll get a ‘biased’ opinion of ‘half’ the story. It’s like writing a math problem, erasing half of it, and trying to solve it. I do think that we are in Iraq for the wrong reasons (the world runs off of oil) but still stand behind our troops 100% Short and sweet $.02, let me know what you guys think, I’m 20, dumb, 10 ft tall and bulletproof. :cheers:

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Yeah right, if what John Kerry said screwed up everything for Democrats taking over the House and Senate people are retarded because that isn't even half of 1% of the stupid sh!t Bush has done.  And Bush isn't the only idiotic Republican who's stained the Republican parties' name.  Foley anyone?


Trust me, if because of one thing a non-factor Democrat says makes you vote Republican maybe you need to read a little more into what some Republicans have done recently.  Also how big of a f@!k up our current President is.


how dare you talk about the president that way... put yourself in his situation, and try to fix everything that Clinton f*cked up... Just because he stumbles over a few words doesnt make him an idiot... He is a highly educated man... you accomplish half the things that he has and get an education, then you give me a call... and we can have a grown up conversation...


Kerry dug his own grave... to hell with him... :yellow_loser:


:rant: sorry, I had to rant

Edited by montanass (see edit history)
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The founding fathers put in place many safeguards to keep the different branches of government (executive, judicial, legislative) in check. Unfortunately, through the years those safeguards have been eroded by(opposite of progress is...) Congress (legislative) The legislative branch has more power than the executive branch. Congress can make or break a presidency buy the level of cooperation between the White House and Congress regardless of political affiliation. Serving in Congress was originally intended as service to the country (volunteerism) not a career with full benefits/retirement. It's the 535 members of Congress that you should be worried about, not who's in the White House :banghead:



At your age, you will have more liberal leanings as most of us did. Most, not all.

It's often to be compassionate, caring, to do the right thing, helping others when their down etc etc etc. As you go through life, you'll learn that there are a lot of people who EXPECT you to help them out only because you are one of the have

and they are one of the have-nots. They are possibly as able-bodied (very likely) as you are but are not as ambitious as you. You may determine that you should assist/help them, only later to find out they have no intention of improving their situation as long as your there to provide monetary assistance. Here's the question ...

Do you continue to provide support, knowing that it's a bottomless abyss or do you cut off your support to provide better for you and your family?

Sometime, as you go through life you will have to make this decision with a family member or a friend.

Here's the the reality... You are already doing this through taxation of your payroll earnings, you just don't control who gets the money. Make sure you go to work ...millions on government assistance are depending on you.


This sums it up pretty well:


"If you're not a liberal when you're in your twenties you haven't got a heart, if you're not conservative by the time you're 40 you haven't got a brain."


And This:


Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:


*29 have been accused of spousal abuse

*7 have been arrested for fraud

*19 have been accused of writing bad checks

*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses

*3 have done time for assault

*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

*8 have been arrested for shoplifting

*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits

*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year Can you guess which organization this is?




IT IS THE 535 MEMBERS OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.



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That Photo is sure to become a Classic "Bitch-Slap" over the years for Kerry....


ps - just found this factoid - did you know in 20 years as a lawmaker John Kerry has only authored THREE pieces of legislation that have been passed into law?  in 20 years!!!!!  What a f'n looser.  I just can't get enough of this guy...


Hey Mr. P ... Leave us Mass-Holes alone .... :jester::jester:

He was probabley busy drinking Scotch-Wiskey at the Kennedy Compound with good ol' Uncle Teddy .... :thumbs::thumbs:

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...Hey Mr. P ...  Leave us Mass-Holes alone ....  :jester:  :jester: 
:crackup::crackup::crackup: I sure am glad it's YOU keeping those crazies in line over there. You're a better man than I, if I had a sidearm and a badge I might have shot someone for stupidity by now :lol:
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My political ramblings...


I totally understand where Kerry was coming from saying what he did about getting "stuck in Iraq". He's a Vietnam Vet for crying out loud, a war that didn't exist, played favorites to the rich and educated, and F*cked the little guy. How many rich/educated white guys are in the military during time of war? I forget the numbers, but the inlistment goes waaaaaaaaay down. He should have said "get educated, or be a grunt in <the next war's name here>".


I voted for Kerry/Edwards and would do it again in a hearbeat, if for nothing more than stem cell research.


I would have actually voted for Howard Dean... what could have been better for the crazies of the world to see when going after Osama, or Hussein with a big HOOOOYAHHH!


Truth be told, I would vote for Democrat or Republican, but I just haven't agreed with a Republican candidate since Ronald Reagan.


I disagree with typical liberal spending cuts. I believe raising the minimum wage does damage to inflation, but so does overseas job tossing. How to accomplish both? Clean up the system we've already got in place. Hold people in elected positions accountable for more than just their jobs at the next election, such as "not able to hold an elected position for x amount of years if unemployment rate dips below certain level", or "loss of pension if you claim weapons of mass destruction" are not found.


Speaking of which, think we'll be invading North Korea any time soon? I do... Get educated, or be a grunt in Korea... :sick:

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Well I'm not arguing with the fact of what JK is saying. It is a fact of life in this country that with an education your opportunities are far more numerous - this is inarguable fact. I am sure that in retrospect that is the thought in JK's head that he was trying to put into words, however the delivery he chose to use was a demeaning one. And then he reinforces that demeaning attitude by blaming others ('you guys just don't understand and are unfair, it was a botched joke') rather than accepting responsibility and saying 'hey, I miscommunicated, the point that I was trying to get across was ... and I apologise I did not get it right the first time'.


This tells me a couple important things about the JK camp, (1) the guy cannot put his own thoughts into words effectively, (2) he is an undisciplined thinker and after 20-years as a politician to still be this way is scary, (3) he does not have anyone in his campaign 'grooming' him into the top office.


Mr. P.

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AFA intelligence in the military: I know a lot of very successful people who served in our military. And having worked with a few ex-Pentagon folks, I can tell you first hand these folks are some of the most impressive I've met in my career. The Best.


Mr. P.

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