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'07 Silverado Controversial Comercial

Pasadena SS

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I was flipping through the channel and came across this hack on some news channel. He was ranting on about how offended he was at the Chevy Silverado comercial that's been airing since the beginning of the World Series. Here's an article on what his rant was about "So Called News". Personally I thought it was a great comercial and made me proud to be an American. I also dig that song by Mellencamp. So what's the problem? If you don't like it...don't buy it :mad:

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I think he's putting entirely too much analyses into the damn commercial ... I take it as, "Through thick and thin, for better or worse, through tough times and sad, we all can reflect... a part of that reflection goes along with apple pie, baseball games and chevy trucks" ...


IMO, the marketers could have put a bit of good ol american positive spin with the presentation of an all new awesome truck without including so much shameful times and hardship of course ...


It's one of those types of commercials that will part a number of people onto the left side and a number of people on the right side ... while the truck drives through the middle ... pretty ingenious marketing if you ask me ... they achieved their goal ... albeit I think they could have selected a better singer and added a few more monumental american achievements that were a bit more positive toned, but who am I ...


The guy makes a few good points; but gets into it too deeply ... It is meant to MOVE people ... It does ... nuff said

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What's wrong with the history of our country? People need to get hobbies... honestly :mad:


Whoever is raising a stink about this needs to get out of their MB or Rover and buy an american car/truck...


I like the comercial... and if I didnt already own a chevy I'd be heading to the dealership to buy "our truck"


I am proud to be an American, I may not be proud of certain points in our history, but every person, town, city, community, state and country has its ups and downs... which must be remembered so we dont make the same mistakes...



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I agree that the Our Country commercial is trying to capitalize on patriotism, instead of Sex Sells (buyer image) or Racing Sells (performance) or Family Sells (safety) the message this time is Patriotism Sells. :confused: I am not upset over the commercial however I do think that they could have done it a lot more tastefully. It's like the first 25-secs of it is a very well done salute to the contemporary American experience then *wham* a 5-sec sales pitch. One thing I do notice is that the GM marketing guys have a real good pulse on the change of popular trends right now, sex is out, low-cut jeans fad is fading etc and our pop culture is starting to swing back to the conservative again, their commercial approach also reinforces that.


Mr. P. :)

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I agree that the Our Country commercial is trying to capitalize on patriotism, instead of Sex Sells (buyer image) or Racing Sells (performance) or Family Sells (safety) the message this time is Patriotism Sells. :confused:  I am not upset over the commercial however I do think that they could have done it a lot more tastefully.  It's like the first 25-secs of it is a very well done salute to the contemporary American experience then *wham* a 5-sec sales pitch.  One thing I do notice is that the GM marketing guys have a real good pulse on the change of popular trends right now, sex is out, low-cut jeans fad is fading etc and our pop culture is starting to swing back to the conservative again, their commercial approach also reinforces that.


Mr. P. :)


I like "Sex Sells" :D

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