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Insomnia sucks.


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If I wanna go to sleep, I just Find a Women to bore me to death on "HOW HER DAY WAS"  Then I blow A load then its Counting Sheep for me!





wow, you must be beating em off with a stick with that attitude... :lol:

More like just beatin' off. :crackup:
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I sleep about 5 hours a night/day... I work at night and so beat when I get home, sleeping during the day sucks.


Same boat here! Working the 3AM to 7:30AM shift is not the most normal thing to do and it takes it's toll on my sleep habits. I wake up at 2AM everyday whether I go to work or not, sucks! A little hoochie always helps though!!!! :thumbs:

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I think I have fairly normal sleep hours, ususally between 6 and 8 A lot of the time i only get like 6 but i take a nap during the day, highly recommend it. However Im seen as a nut to some of my friends, my best friend can literally sleep ALLLL DAY. A good 14 hours if no one ever walks in to wake him up...who knows when he will. :dunno:

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Mr P., have you ever had a sleep study done? I used to have problems getting to sleep... combined with sleep apnea (bad snoring, 45-50 awakenings per hour). My body was so used to waking up from sleep apnea, that I actually had subconscious anxiety right before going to sleep, which caused the insomnea.


Last year in July I had my throat suguery done to get rid of the sleep apnea problem (I tried the CPAP machines, they didn't work for me). Ever since then, I've slept like a log. For the first couple of weeks though, I had to take Ambien. My only problem with Ambien is that the "regular" Ambien knocked me out for about an hour, then I would wake up and be awake for a few hours before falling back asleep. Now they have a newer timed release Ambien that should take care of that problem though... Once my body got used to sleeping the whole night through, the anxiety left and I didn't need the sleep assistance drugs any longer.

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But there is a cure for your ...   It's called ...



6 of these will help you catch some ZZZZZ's ....  :thumbs:


I've heard of this... some people up the dosage to 12, and they can sleep just about anywhere... IE: on the toilet, head first on the stairs, the back of your truck, sidewalk, jail. :D




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Mr P., have you ever had a sleep study done?
Thanks for the suggestion, I already know what the problem is. I've been working double-time the last three years (family business) and surviving on 4-6 hours regular sleep, it's finally caught up with me and my body chemistry/hormone levels have changed for the worse. I decided this last week to quit the family business (after 19 years) because it's killing me. My sister flew out from CA and we talked yesterday, she laughed and told me I'd finally gotten smart... Anyway I would feel a lot different if my father cared, but that's not the case and I am not happy with both my life and what I've become. So lack of sleep on my part is just good old-fashioned self-induced stress. I broke out my weight machine this last week and worked up a nutrition/supplementation plan, so got all that in place; but the biggest problem for me is going to be forcing myself to say screw the family job obligations and make myself go to bed at 10pm. That's my New Year's resolution, to have my hormone levels returned to normal by New Years.


Mr. P.

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Sounds like your on the Right Track bro... Gotta enjoy the pretty truck some time.

Good luck. Hope you can return into a HUMAN V.S a ZOMBIE... I think alot of us have been in your shoes, maybe not as extreme but we can relate...



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Mr.P, in the past I have used a Melatonin supplement to help with my sleep. That is if you want to go the natural way. I have had a lot of sleep issues and have been off and on with sleeping medication. If you really feel the need to, ambien does wonders. I would set up an appointement with your doc, see what he has to say.

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