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Veterans Day


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Veterans Day offers us an opportunity to honor the selfless men and women who sacrificed so much in service of our country, whether they served decades ago or still wear the uniform today.


To veterans of wars past, thank you and your families for your fervent commitment to our country and our way of life.


Your selfless service rescued Americans in harm's way, toppled wicked tyrants, restored allied borders, and endured decades of ideological struggle against communist foes.


To veterans of wars present, thank you and your families for manning freedom's gates during this long war against terrorism.


Your capability is unsurpassed, credibility beyond reproach, and faithfulness proven across and above battlefields in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other locations known to you alone.


To the citizens of this great country, thank you for your continued support in the war against terrorism. We fight over there to preserve our sacred freedoms here at home, for generations of Americans to come. We greatly value and need your enduring commitment.



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Thank you veterans.


Veterans day is the anniversary of the death of my grandfather. 11/11/2001. He served in WWII as did most of our relatives in some capacity. He was at Iwo Jima in the Navy and his ship assisted in the landings with covering fire. It was tough to go see flags of our fathers because of how real the stories were he told me were right there on the screen in front of me. I was not in the military and most likely wont ever unless we have a major war.

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thanks for the topic lefty i to want to start a topic on this to thank the veterans of years ago and every one serving today for all your courage,bravery and sacrifice no mater the odds,the same goes for all your families.Thank you and god bless you. :cheers:

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