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RANT: Turn Signals


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Maybe it's the fact that I live in the south now instead of up in Yankee area ...


Maybe it's the fact that I'm sometimes just not patient enough ...


OR, maybe it's that there's SOOOOOOO MANY lazy, disrespectful drivers on the roads here in Charlotte ...


I just don't understand why people don't know how to use a turn signal anymore ...


Again today, I am leaving my driveway, waiting to turn right, and a Suburban is approaching from my left, about 150 feet away ...


So, I wait ...


And wait ...


And wait ...


THEN, 2 feet from me, he turns into the driveway across the street from me ...


And, no disrespect to anyone in this forum ... but it is usually black drivers ...


WHY is it this way? :mad:


Has there been some change in the driver's manual since I last read it more than 11 years ago?


Is it safe to presume that someone in a turn-only lane w/ no signal on will actually make the turn, especially when I've found myself ducking out of turn only lanes because I don't want to make the turn ... ?


Please ... someone tell me what I am missing here ... :banghead:

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I know how you feel man, it pisses me off too when I wait and wait to pull out, but the fu%$er ends up turning without the signals.


Any more, everyone else other then me who is on the road pisses me off. Please dont ask me how my road rage is, it's not good. :banghead:

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Here in Bakersfield, CA there's a problem with people leaving their signals on! So you think they're gonna turn, but they don't and then they have the balls to honk at you when you get in their way! That makes me even more mad!

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Here in Bakersfield, CA there's a problem with people leaving their signals on! So you think they're gonna turn, but they don't and then they have the balls to honk at you when you get in their way! That makes me even more mad!



im toatally with you on that i usually get pisse doff and give them the brights and put my bliker on too. i also hate when people pu their left signal on to turn right , imo drivers license should have to be updated every two years with a written and physical test.

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imo drivers license should have to be updated every two years with a written and physical test.


... I believe an IQ test should also be given ... that way we can have Time Restrictions on those who don't make the cut .... :jester::D:jester:


.... We get tons of them here too ... Especially when I work Road Details (Construction Jobs directing traffic) They give me tons of Dumb looks, when all they have to do is use a turn signal. that will let me know their intentions with one action. I usually tell people who still insist on pointing, instead of signaling. that Directionals are Standard Equipment ... Not an Option!!!!

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imo drivers license should have to be updated every two years with a written and physical test.


... I believe an IQ test should also be given ... that way we can have Time Restrictions on those who don't make the cut .... :jester::D:jester:


.... We get tons of them here too ... Especially when I work Road Details (Construction Jobs directing traffic) They give me tons of Dumb looks, when all they have to do is use a turn signal. that will let me know their intentions with one action. I usually tell people who still insist on pointing, instead of signaling. that Directionals are Standard Equipment ... Not an Option!!!!


It has never been officially stated that you have to have a certain IQ in order to operate a motor vehicle ... :banghead:


That might be too smart of an idea ... :withstupid:


Too many people would probably be offended when their licenses got yanked ... :lol:

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Too many people would probably be offended when their licenses got yanked ...



"I'm sorry sir, but according to your test results, you are technically mentally retarded, and we can't have retards on the road, now can we?"


"I'm suing you."


Judge- "I hereby award 5 billion dollars to the plaintiff for emotional damages"

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yea, no offense to blacks, but i live in south FL and the blacks drive extremely horrible. they go under the speed limit in the left (HOV) lane, they cut you off, they brake for no reason, the hatian population drive dead at the wheel, and the ghetto ones drive like assholes. if you honk they flip you off, get in front of you and start slamming on their brakes. is there any decency anymore? how do these people pass their license tests? it's ridiculous!

when i first got my truck i'm cruising on the highway to my girl's place, i'm going about 10-15 mph faster than everyone else in far left lane (the HOV) and no one gets in front of me, those who were looking to pass would wait for me to pass, then get in the left lane to pass instead of slowing me down, next thing you know some black lady gets in front of me going like 55 mph for no reason at all,(mind you the speed limit is 65 mph so i'm going like 75-80+) she didn't even come in to my lane to pass or anything! so i just flash my brights, she doesn't move, i flicker my brights, she doesn't move or accelerate, so now i'm pissed, my SS is higher than her car and with my sylvania silverstars its bright, so i just leave my brights on and it lights up her car entirely and i could see that i was blinding her b/c the reflection from her rear view mirror was right on her. so than she starts slamming on her breaks purposely (not because she was spooked by my brights, b/c i had already turned them off by the time she started her psychotic rant) but so that i would hit her . she would than speed up and then slam on her breaks AGAIN!

Mind you, i had just gotten my truck and it was/still is :D brand new, anyway i couldn't floor it but i def. gave it some gas. i shot over like 3 lanes (yes i know its crazy but who hasn't) she tries flooring her car, but she just couldn't keep with the SS and i got out of there. I did this because i knew that she was going to cause an accident, she was slamming on her breaks so hard that she was losing control of vehicle.


i mean is there no decency on the roads?? where is there a cop when you need them? i think that is worst than speeding! if you speed (responsibly) there shouldn't be many cars around and you're also in control of your vehicle, considering you're a good a driver. so what's the real danger compared to what that woman was doing? anyone agree?


i'll just finish with this, this happens all the time in south FL, this is not a rare incidence, it's however the first time it happens to me because i simply do not drive aggressively or do anything to provoke others because i am a very calm driver (except when i'm in that mood, after all what did i buy an SS for? :driving: ) but yes, she was black and most of the "incidences" or bad driving i have seen is a lot of black ppl, no offense, but it's an observation i've made. they are all not bad however, my secretary at my office is black and her and her husband have very nice cars (he has a successful business, she works for spending money) and she drives excellent, so its not all of them, but the majority SUCK!

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... I believe an IQ test should also be given ... that way we can have Time Restrictions on those who don't make the cut ....  :jester:  :D  :jester:



I agree, just a common sense test so no one gets offended. Ooooh and some kind of probation period on your license too would be nice. If you eff up within the 1st 3 months. You have to do the whole process again.


Here in Bakersfield, CA there's a problem with people leaving their signals on! So you think they're gonna turn, but they don't and then they have the balls to honk at you when you get in their way! That makes me even more mad!



im toatally with you on that i usually get pisse doff and give them the brights and put my bliker on too. i also hate when people pu their left signal on to turn right , imo drivers license should have to be updated every two years with a written and physical test.


WTF people use their left turning sigal to turn right? I think they are just messing with you now! How can anyone be so stupid! That makes me sick how people like that get legit drivers licenses.

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