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Getting so confusing


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I realize sometimes certain topics make their way into the wrong category, but lately it seems the mods have been moving alot of topics to where they think the topic should be. For example, I might have a question about my supercharger in general, but wouldn't post it in Forced Induction, but in the general section, only to find out it was moved to Forced Induction. This hasn't really happened to me, but just an example. The whole reason I would post something more so in the General Section would be because of how little attention the other sections get. If I post something in the General Section, I am guaranteed a response of some kind the same day. If I post something in the Forced Induction Section, it could be days before I get a response. So I would, of course, to help myself out, post it where it will get immediate attention. :seeya: I am certainly not saying we should start allowing for sale items in off topic, but you get my drift?


I love this chat board and realize I am a guest here and it is not a right, but a privalege. With that being said, I also realize we are a small group, but some other boards I have been on for other cars seem to have alot more community support (I am not referring to the other truck site BTW, I dont even like its structure).


I guess I am just trying to ask if we arent getting just a little over zealous with the house keeping? Not trying to stir the pot, but probably already have. :dunno:


Just throwing it out there to chew on. :flag:

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I realize sometimes certain topics make their way into the wrong category, but lately it seems the mods have been moving alot of topics to where they think the topic should be.  For example, I might have a question about my supercharger in general, but wouldn't post it in Forced Induction, but in the general section, only to find out it was moved to Forced Induction.  This hasn't really happened to me, but just an example.  The whole reason I would post something more so in the General Section would be because of how little attention the other sections get.  If I post something in the General Section, I am guaranteed a response of some kind the same day.  If I post something in the Forced Induction Section, it could be days before I get a response.  So I would, of course, to help myself out, post it where it will get immediate attention. :seeya:  I am certainly not saying we should start allowing for sale items in off topic, but you get my drift?


I love this chat board and realize I am a guest here and it is not a right, but a privalege.  With that being said, I also realize we are a small group, but some other boards I have been on for other cars seem to have alot more community support (I am not referring to the other truck site BTW, I dont even like its structure).


I guess I am just trying to ask if we arent getting just a little over zealous with the house keeping?  Not trying to stir the pot, but probably already have. :dunno:


Just throwing it out there to chew on. :flag:



I understand where you are coming from, but if we start putting supercharger questions in the general section, then people want to put stereo questions in the tranny section and so on and so fourth. Obviously we can't have that, and as i see, you understand that already. Besides, most people don't go into every section and read the forums. Most people log into the site, then just click the "view new posts" button and it brings up all the posts that they havn't seen since the last time they logged in. It includes every section of the site. So therefore your supercharger question in the forced induction section DOES get seen. My suggestion is if you have a important question you need or think you need answered quickly, go into it and post a "bump" reply every so often, that way it gets moved back up to the top of the "vew new posts" list. I apologize for the inconvience, but we have to keep order or else when people are searching for a answer to a supercharger question, they would never find yours in the "general" section. See what i'm saying? who would look for a supercharger question/answer in the general section? i wouldn't....


Doesn't really bother me. I used to be a mod on another board and I can understand the moderators are just doing their job. Just cut them some slack, they don't get paid for doing this and IMHO, they do a great job.  :thumbs:



thanks for understanding. There are only a couple of us doing this here regularly so we try hard to make things the best for everyone.

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I think it's good that there are posts getting moved. You don't post things where you want them to, you post things where they belong plain and simple. There are many reasons for this I agree that it needs to be done as much as it has been if not more. All of the extra signs saying that the posts have been moved aren't necessary, but like moving a post, it's the staff's choice.

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The moderators are doing a good job keeping the board organized. :thumbs: They are deleting unnecessary things from topics as well...like me going off the other day b/c of the BS flag. I would hate to have to keep track of a large forum like this so my hats off to the ones making a good and respectful site.

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The moderators are doing a good job keeping the board organized.  :thumbs:  They are deleting unnecessary things from topics as well...like me going off the other day b/c of the BS flag.  I would hate to have to keep track of a large forum like this so my hats off to the ones making a good and respectful site.








sorry man, i had to do it! lol.


btw, yeah, i cleaned up that bsflag post, and gave mr 26dubss a little break from the site for a few days.

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I agree, I for one and big on the search function...some of the new guys havnt been searching too much in my opinion. So a lot of necessary threads will go on about something like a PCM or CAI. So hypothetically if I were new and wanted to search for CAI I would get 30 pages with a good half of it with the same information of every other thread. Moderators are needed to "trim" everything down.

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The moderators are doing a good job keeping the board organized.   :thumbs:   They are deleting unnecessary things from topics as well...like me going off the other day b/c of the BS flag.  I would hate to have to keep track of a large forum like this so my hats off to the ones making a good and respectful site.








sorry man, i had to do it! lol.


btw, yeah, i cleaned up that bsflag post, and gave mr 26dubss a little break from the site for a few days.



:thumbsup: Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

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