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Almost got into an accident...w/ a srt10


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so i'm on my way to work at about 720 am and i normally see this guy in a single cab black srt 10 most mornings. anyway it had rained the night before so the roads were a little wet but not too bad.

srt 10 guy and i catch a light, which has never happened to us. so on green we take off, i sit there spinning (my SS is rwd) as well as he, so we both let off the gas got up to like 30 or 40 and then floored it again for another round, i'm spinning and fish tailing a little bit but i am very experienced and good at handling those situations and keeping a car in control. he downshifts his truck guns it and doesn't let off the gas.

he swerves over to the left lane (he is in the middle, i was on the right lane) and almost hits the car on his left (mind you we're doing about 50-60 and he's still floored and out of control) he got spooked turned his wheel to the right and let off the gas at which point his tires caught and threw his truck violently to the right almost hitting me, had i not been watching this whole ordeal as soon as i saw his tires catch :eek: i swerved to the right because i knew he was going to be coming towards me hard and fast. so between me already accelerating and swerving to the right to avoid his ass i was able to get out unscathed.

at the next light he wouldn't even lower his windows, he just hid behind his limo tints because he was so embarrassed.

i'm sorry but if you're going to buy a high horse power truck, have some balls and know how to drive it, because that guy was a disgrace. on top of it, it was a f%^#ing dodge.

i have seen countless videos of srt 10's being wrecked and destroyed and all of them for the same reason, and that's losing control at the start by not letting off the gas.

i think mopar drivers just for some reason go retarded behind the wheel.


i don't know what it is, but i think every person who buys those srt 10's does not know how to drive.


so this morning sucked, and i will never race an srt 10 again, i just settle with knowing that it'll be a close call, i think it'll be better to assume the outcome of the race than get my truck crashed into by a f*%#ing dodge owner. i'll never take that risk again! :driving:

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I didnt know those srts could even spin the tires. Thats a Turd with a viper motor in it. Good thing he didnt hit you because you would have had a huge Shi# mark on it. :chevy:

yeah they can spin tires, even the srt 10 quadcabs can, they can be impressive but i wouldn't race one because dodge owners are such shitty drivers

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yeah, i don't know about racing in the rain. I was at a light in my 300zx next to a mustang GT a few years back, wet road.. Guy revs his engine, i rev mine. I didn't really think he was going to attempt to race. light turns green, mustang floors it, lost control, went over the curve and barely missed hitting a pole. This whole time i am still sitting at the green light with the rest of the cars looking at that punk.


Rain+HP+dumb drivers = trouble


I'm not saying that you are dumb, you controlled your vehicle. just saying that there are a lot of dumb drivers out there.


well, i passed up the guy when he was parked on the curve and he did not even look in my direction...

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Here we go again...............All Dodge drivers are not shitty drivers, If you do not believe me, name the time and place. And to be quite honest you are pretty much an idiot for racing in the rain too, even if you think you can drive better than anyone else, especially since you are in a RWD SS and not the AWD. You are just as much to blame as he is.



And Jaymoney, if you ever want to see this turd spin the tires and leave you in the toilet bowl....let me know! :yellow_loser:

Edited by 1stdodge (see edit history)
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Sorry guys, but racing in the rain on public streets is D-U-M-B.

EVERYBODY thinks they are "the better driver" and can control it better, it's a sign of a disaster waiting to happen IMO.


:withstupid: You may be a good driver, but racing on wet roads is an accident waiting to happen. Imho, you got lucky.
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As a 40 year old car guy and amatuer drag racer...I can't say I never did something such as you guys did,,,Testosterone is a powerful thing...I had a couple close calls before I finally woke up and took it to the track with the big dogs...But I still will hop it every now and then, but only under premium conditions...I.e. lots of lanes , day light, can see the other driver, (Not racing an experienced 18 year old high Punk in his dad's ride)...Thank God, it could have been much worse... As the saying goes amongst my car buddies, "the big dogs don't play on the street..."

I am glad no one was hurt!!!...And you had to know you where going to kick his ass sooner or later...LOL

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