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Bad News

SS Silv

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I got a call today that nobody should have to recieve. My friend shot himself lastnight. No one really has a clue of why he did this. He always was liked by everyone and was always the life of the party. It has been a very confusing and frustrating day. Suicide is such a selfish thing to do. Nothing in life is so bad that it can't be fixed, and suicide should not be the way out. This all hasn't sunk in yet, it seems to horrible to believe.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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sorry for the loss man, I went through the same thing recently with a friend taking his own life. Its tough on everyone especially when you thought everything was fine. Your friends will all be with you for support so that makes things a little easier. Keep your head up and my prayers go out to you and the family

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A friend of mine was killed recently by accident by his best friend. They were hanging out and he was handling a gun and it went off. I know how it feels to lose friends, its very tough, sometimes it doesnt even sink in. I cant really tell you how to deal with suicide, although with the loss of my friend it has given me a much greater appreciation for human life and literally trying to live your life. I am sorry for your loss of your close friend, remember him well. If you need to talk about anything, even on the phone PM me and I'll give you my cell number. :happysad:

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Man I am sorry to hear about your loss,please dont take this the wrong way but I think suicide is such a cop out and these people really dont consider their friends and loved ones to much and how their actions will forever affect their lives,I dont know why your friend decided to take his own life but nothing can be that bad that yuor friends and family wont understand or help out with.Once again i'm sorry for your loss but dont hate your friend for what he did he probably wasnt thinking with a clear head,i will say a prayer for you and tour friends family.

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Sorry to hear about your friend. Suicide is a terrible thing. A lot of the people left behind feel that they should have seen the signs so they feel an ernormous amount of guilt. In reality it is very hard to know what is really going on in someone else head. They may appear outwardly to have it all while inside they are tormented by feelings of low self esteem or their problems seem insurmountable and they just give up. Sometimes it's even a medical imbalance in the brain.


Take solice in the fact that you were his friend and try to remember the good times you had together.

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