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Dad and I got arrested


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Hope everything turns out in your favor Jonmalibuss.  It's cool that your dad came down to try and help you out.  My dad would have told me I'm on my own :banghead:

We have always been a pretty close family and it doesn't matter how old some one is even though the law states when your 18 or older yes your on your own (i'm 24) and yes it was tecnically my own battle but we look at it as we are still family and I really just wanted him to be there as another witness to what could possibly happen because it didn't look as if anything was going to turn out well in anyway and it really didn't turn out very well so atleast I now have more people on my side rather than just 2 against 10. We even had neighbors stop and ask if we were being hrassed because of the amount of cops that were there and the length of time they had us there which was like 2hrs.

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but to pull them out of their car and search everything trying to get more dirt when you know more than likely that there is nothing to begin with. 





You can't really know for sure that there is nothing. We have pulled over SUV's with whole families in them, people dressed as preasts, men or women with their kids, etc... and found hundreds of pounds of drugs or people stuffed under seats, in trunks or dashboards. One cant say that just by the way a person looks or acts that there is nothing else there. (By the way, I work in sothwest texas). When searching a vehicle we are doing our job. People should be glad that we are searching vehicles and FINDING drugs (or illegal aliens) being smuggled accross our highways. If you know you have nothing, good. The officers will not find anything in your vehicle. I've had my vehicle searched, it's all part of the job law enforcement officers are doing.



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but to pull them out of their car and search everything trying to get more dirt when you know more than likely that there is nothing to begin with. 





You can't really know for sure that there is nothing. We have pulled over SUV's with whole families in them, people dressed as preasts, men or women with their kids, etc... and found hundreds of pounds of drugs or people stuffed under seats, in trunks or dashboards. One cant say that just by the way a person looks or acts that there is nothing else there. (By the way, I work in sothwest texas). When searching a vehicle we are doing our job. People should be glad that we are searching vehicles and FINDING drugs (or illegal aliens) being smuggled accross our highways. If you know you have nothing, good. The officers will not find anything in your vehicle. I've had my vehicle searched, it's all part of the job law enforcement officers are doing.



You have a valid point, but you're in an area close to the border that is known for smuggling. You not only know what to look for, but also know that anyone, no matter what they look like, could be potential criminals.


We were moving my mother-in-law from Victoria back to Nacogdoches a couple of years ago. Driving a Uhaul north on hwy 59 (I'm sure you know of the area), and I was fully aware, and preparred, to be stopped and searched. I had no problem with it, because all I had was furniture in it. We weren't stopped, btw, but Jon's situation seems a bit extreme. Sounds like a case of young guy in a hot car/truck, so we have to be able to get something on him. Not saying he wasn't doing something that warranted being pulled over, but it just seems, by Jon's account, that they may have over stepped their bounds.

Edited by CoolBlueSS (see edit history)
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I would not pull strings when its someones life...period.  You dont cross the line or you are no better than the person you are accusing.  And I have alot of friends that are cops.  They sit around laughing about how they made this kid do this, or they had good laugh with this guy because they felt like it.  I probably have known well over 1,000 officers through my years and about 10% of them talked the talk and walked the walk. 


If you are going to be a cop, you must be willing to accept that you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to use your authority to your own personal benefit, amusement, or have a "bad day"...or to pull strings.  You have bad day, jerk someone around and stick it to them, you might just push someone over the breaking point in their life, and set off a chain of event stha tmight ruin their lives, all because oyu had a bad day and took it out on someone else.  Confu#$inggratulations, hope you feel better destroying other peopls lives for fun.  I'm not saying if you pull someone over for driving 20+ over, that you shouldnt give them a ticket, but to pull them out of their car and search everything trying to get more dirt when you know more than likely that there is nothing to begin with.  This is not my only experience with cops.  I wonder how many people have sat in jail because of situations just like mine or like johnmalibuss when they are compeltely or for the most part no threat to society.  I know she probably lied to him, but he is just as bad as she is for pulling strings.  Justice would have taken its course properly the first time if he abided by the law.  You can't defend or excuse his actions.


You might want to just let it go. You're not even reading what I'm writing you're just getting upset and trying to throw any little tidbit you can come up with to prove a point that's not even there.


You're not looking at this from any point of view other than your own. Your whole point in the beginning was that 90% of officers are just as bad or worse than the drug dealers/speeders that they pull over? Prove it, cause I'd find it very interesting to see where you get that information from. I'd like to use it for a research project for college. Oh and 1,000 officers isn't even 1% of the sworn officers in this country. Besides that, that # is probably very stretched.

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... i was not read my rights eather.
"I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability" - Ron White. You have to accept the fact that law enforcement officials are ALSO officers of the court, meaning that in the field they are legally acting in standing representation of the judge; said differently, anything an officer sees, hears, smells, touches is exactly the same (legally) as if the judge witnessed it himself firsthand. ALWAYS use your best judgement in the presence of *any* law enforcement whether they are on duty or off duty - and I mean ALWAYS. The Miranda warning in everyday practicality is not much more than just a formality where you are reminded you have the right to legal representation - that's it; make no mistake, everything you do and say prior to the recitation of Miranda will be used against you (as well as everything after). Watch your behavior, and don't forget to wave to the cruiser cam. :seeya:


... it doesn't matter how old some one is ... we look at it as we are still family
Wow that is great to hear, my parents are not like that at all. :thumbs:


Not saying he wasn't doing something that warranted being pulled over, but it just seems, by Jon's account, that they may have over stepped their bounds.
That is a hard one for me to agree with, because the officers did not technically do anything outside of their duty BUT it is very clear that they got totally unprofessional (emotional) regarding the whole situation and Jon and his dad unknowingly behaved in ways that just made the emotional element of the whole situation spiral out of control.


You guys have to remember that cops are people too; that means that they have just the same personality flaws as you and me. I know that if I grabbed a welder and started laying bead on one of Jon's projects he'd be livid - in the same way that's how the officer acts when he perceives you are directly interfering with his day-to-day job. The mistake in this situation IMO is that the officer could have done dozens of things different (aka people skills) that would have resulted in defusing/calming the situation and nobody would have had to wait curbside for 2hrs to get the citations written-up and handed out. Of course this is easy for me to say, I wasn't there.


Mr. P.

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... I wonder how many people have sat in jail because of situations just like mine or like johnmalibuss when they are compeltely or for the most part no threat to society.
MANY. I can totally believe the BS work situation you shared, I've spent some time in cuffs myself for different yet equally astounding bullshit with the authorities. Some police are SO gullible, I wasted a whole 7hrs of my life in the custody of Modesto CA PD as they served a search warrant for child pornography. A friend of my girlfriend asked us if we would drive him and his 6 yr old nephew to court, as they were to appear at 8am to formalize his receiving custody of said nephew from the kid's mom (the friend's sister) who was in Stanislaus county lockup on charges of felony check fraud. Anyways, my gf and I arrive at 7:30am to pick him and the boy up at his house, we walk up and knock on the front door and *POW* assaulted by a wave of Modesto SWAT swarming the house. After being pulled off the floor and cuffed we are told that they are serving a search warrant for child pornography, that according to the boy's mother she only hours earlier (in jail!) convinced a judge that her brother was using her son to pose for child porn, a total bald-faced lie. After 4 hours in cuffs (we got no lunch) a detective walks in and asks "who's gray firebird is parked in the driveway" and tells me that he smells meth and since the car is parked on the premises they have the right to search the car for drugs even though it's not explicitly included on the warrant, to which all of us started laughing (I've never used drugs) and when I was uncuffed 3 hours later I discovered those ****ers had left the hood up on the car with the master cylinder cover removed, radiator cap removed, valve covers OFF and the carburator half-disassembled. Of course there were never any drugs, the friend was taken downtown along with about 20 vhs tapes that of course were weeks later verified to be completely clean and the charges totally baseless. The boy was whisked off to his mother (in jail) and she somehow posted bail that night and skipped the country with the boy. True story. Fortunately the friend had some Permatex in the garage and I salvaged the valve cover gaskets, but I had to go to the corner 7-11 store and get a M&M cardboard box to cut an emergency QJ air horn gasket. I was pretty goddamned mad when I got home, and very disillusioned. :mad:


The worst part about this is that I was 20 when this happened, and in that one episode I learned a lot about the law. And it really prejudiced me against law enforcement people in general for at least 10 years. But several other really important things happend later in life that "centered" that perception.


Mr. P.

Edited by misterp (see edit history)
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Well I feel as if I have may found a small technicality that they may have screwed up on and I know that the law states that an unposted speed limit is automaticly 25mph in a residential but, I was on a street that runs east and west all of the rest of the streets running east and west in the area which most of them have more houses and more sidewalk are all posted at 40mph or higher. These east and west streets I am refering to are all connecting other major streets aswell as the one I was on. This leads me to believe that either the sign has gone missing because someone has stolen it, it was knocked over at some point and never put back up or there just never was a sign. Now that I have been looking at street signs I want some of you guys who are local to me to check this one out, it made me laugh my a$$ off. Going north on Archibald just north of the 210 untill wilson is labled as a 45mph zone and is a 4 lane streach of road which goes for atleast 2 miles. Once you cross Wilson it merges to 1 lane and just past the merge there is a speed limit sign posted at 50mph and this streach of road to the next stop is maybe 1/2 mile :confused: and the grade gets much steeper. :dunno:


Pretty much what I am getting at is it seems as if a lot of these streets are mismarked as far as speed goes and if all other east and west streets are labled at 40mph or higher with more residential located on them then I feel being written up for 60 in a 25 is B.S. get me for 60 in a 40 even though I know I wasn't doing 60 but there again it's my word against theirs.

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And I'll give you another one - my sister's ex-bf used the system against her to have her arrested for domestic abuse. Mind you that my sister manages almost a dozen Citibank branches in northern CA (totally great and sucessful and reliable person) and the ex-bf is a diagnosed sociopath (by the VA hospital psych doctors). Still the gullible cops throw her in French Camp (county lockup) and ... well I think I posted the story here on the forum a while back when it happened.


Lots of good people get the crap end of the law enforcement stick because you cannot ignore the fact that officers are only human like you and I and are literally thrown head-long into an unclear situation and they have no want to make things 'right' but rather they do what they can to restore 'control'. It makes an officer feel rewarded when controlling a situation leads to 'the right thing' but that is only secondary, their job is to exercise social control (aka laws).


Mr. P.

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