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Cager tried to kill me


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All i can say is WOW I took the bike out for the first time today in two months. With work and weather, just havn't had time to ride these last couple months. It was very nice out today, about 66* so i thought i would take a little ride to run the old fuel out of the tank, then go fill up and add some Stabil and park it for the winter. So i was out minding my own business, obeying all traffic laws all day long, never went over 6k rpms. Just riding very casually. I get about 1/4 mile from my road and am on a two lane with a double yellow line. As i approach my turn, i have my signal on and am slowing down but have to come to a near stop because of one car coming the opposite way. Well this guy in this old beat up Oldsmobile slows down and i have my clear visor on and we make eye contact. At this split second in time i see him get a very angry look on his face and then he proceeds to violently swerve into my lane heading right towards me. All i can think of at this moment is "oh crap, i'm gonna die". Since i'm still kinda rolling but almost stopped, i grab a handful of throttle and slip the clutch while banking a hard right onto the side of the road. This guy is still heading towards me and is looking right at me while accelerating. Luckily i was able to avoid him and not dump it in the gravel on the side of the road. Once he passes me i come to a stop and catch my breath. My heart is pounding and i'm shaking because of what just happened. I coulnd't believe that someone just tried to run me down. First thing that came to my mind is that maybe i pissed him off somehow earlier that day because people in general hate sportbikes in my town. But that couldn't be the cae because i stuck to all back roads today and road very casually keeping exhaust tones down as well as the front wheel. No way i offended anyone today. I just don't understand what was going on. By the time i catch my breath and turn around and start to chase after this dude he is long gone. I still can't believe this happened. Out of the blue this guy tried to kill me for no reason. Because this all happened so fast, i hardly got a look at the car and did not get the plate. I just remember seeing the oldsmobile emblem on the front and then starring at the guy as he was coming at me. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me. I'm not the type of sportbike rider that "TERRORIZES" the town. When i want to ride fast or whatever, i hit the back roads where no one is ever around. My friends and I only ride hard on the twisties down in west virginia and not locally. I don't know why this guy was out to get me. Possibly my HID's were blinding him? i have no clue? sorry for my long post, just had to vent.

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holy bejesus!!!!! glad too see it turned out good...to say the least. I am actually gald to see he was no where to be found when you turned around, that wouldn't be very helpful for the rest of your evening if you would of found him. Take a breath and wish that ass much meets his maker early on his own doing. Here's to Holty coming out of it okay... :cheers:

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Glad to hear it turned out the way it did, rather than the way it could have :eek:


This just goes to show you that there are people out there, who, for whatever reason don't value or appreciate another human's life. Hope Darwin gets him as an

award winner


Bikers need to stick together, regardless of what you ride

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Glad to hear you are all right. Some people are just like that they don't like to share the road with motorcycles or bicycles. For this reason I have a cannondale road bike that hasn't been ridden in about 10 years. I gave up fearing getting hit from people pulling out in front of me passing too close or swerving to make me go off the road.

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It was probley someone on the site you gave a warning to or moved the post or something like that. J/K. Glad your OK Them bike is dangerous you might have to get an old man bike like me.



LOL yeah tim, your probably right lol. but guess what!? the s.o.b. missed me so now i'm gonna ban his ass LOL. j/k i'm sure it wasn';t one of you guys here. nobody here would be driving that sorry excuse for a oldsmobile

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nothing makes you feel more helpless than when you're on 2 wheels and some a-hole f's with you to the point you think that either a) it's over or b) i'm gonna be severely f'd up after this. i never had someone come dead on towards me, but i did have one dumb c... in a MB decide at the very last second, that she wanted to turn left when my buddy and i were riding tandom behind her at about 40. i locked em up and had no where to go cuz my buddy was on my right. ended up keeping it up and passsing her on her left. i panicked and downshifted so quick, i had no idea what gear i was in when i got around her. i was one angry p*ssed off MF for the rest of the day/night. more at myself than anything. i was on vaca in Newport, RI and was riding w/ no helmet and shorts. i should have eaten it.

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This happened to a friend of mine's boyfriend, they were all cruising on the highway and a guy started to swerve into him and try and run him over they eventually hit him and he lost control and fell of his bike, thank god they werent going very fast and all he got was some heavy bruises and sprains. And to top it off the guy almost got away with it! The guy who ran him down said the bikes hit him awnd when the cops came they were just gonna leave it as is. Until the guy with the car started mouthing off saying that "too bad he didnt die" So the cop wised up and cuffed him. :nonod: Some people in this world...Thank god you thought on your toes holty. I love bikes but you cant ride them around here, people are too crazy.

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