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Went to Jack in the box...


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So on Thursday, I go to Jack in the Box for lunch, I go inside to get food to go, I was facing a major intersection in broad day light and some s.o.b. broke in to my truck, I wasn't away from it more than five minutes max...As much as I love my truck, it's the third time in six months it has been broken in to, I have aftermarket speakers but no deck or subwoofers, it's limo tinted so I don't think people can see in and 80% of our trucks have systems, so I think that's why it's targeted, so I'm either taking off the tint on the two front windows or selling it...take a look...







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just take the tint off the front 2 windows, because i think that way people arn't curious as to what you have inside your truck, i have the stock tint on mine and i have no aftermarket goodies on the inside, and absolutely no one has bothered mine, i dunno but maybe it's your tint

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that truck is nice as hell! :thumbs:

i'm sorry to hear what happened to you, maybe you should get a serious alarm.

i'm going to get an alarm that has proximity, but not ridiculously sensitive, just to the point that if you go to look into the windows the alarm will trigger, not proximity like those stupid ricers.


i wouldnt sell my pride and joy for some prick. that truck is nice, don't give it up, defend what is rightfully yours. put a police report for everytime this happens. that may work in your favor if you catch the thief. if you've reported it and nothing has been done, then it may work in your favor.

cops around me don't mind when you catch a criminal and rough em' up a little before the cops take em' away. just a thought.


just don't give up your beautiful truck for someone else. i wouldn't

ES :flag:

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just take the tint off the front 2 windows, because i think that way people arn't curious as to what you have inside your truck, i have the stock tint on mine and i have no aftermarket goodies on the inside, and absolutely no one has bothered mine, i dunno but maybe it's your tint



these were my thoughts exactly.


i'm not sure of the percentage of the limo tint, but i'm guessing it's f..... dark. that's a target for thieves and cops. it looks like you got something to hide. even if you're bare bones stock, it doesn't look that way until they crack the glass.


i gotta admit, they look better tinted. great lookin truck by the way!!!

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Don't completely remove the tint from your windows.... just raise it up a few %...


I realize (like most people) you want your stuff to be kept AS PRIVATE as you can get it... but that's what attracts thieves...(IMO). I know i would be curious if i saw someone with limo tint....and what does curiousity lead to? Well, with some, curiousity does kill the cat....


SOOOOO... here's what i would suggest:


1. Lo Jack.

2. Alarm system. (eventhough most people dont listen to their alarms)

3. Raise the tint of your front 2 windows to say... 20-25% (that way it's still dark, yet people can sorta see in....(if they look closely... which should trigger the alarm)).

4. Don't let some prick (or pricks) make you sell your truck.



Just my .02. :)

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Thanks for the support guys...it's really depressing b/c I'm a full time student and I work part time to pay for college and my truck. It was on 7th/Buckeye in Phoenix, and I have that Pager $400 alarm, but it didn't even go off, I know it has the back-up battery if they cut the battery wire it will still go off but obviously I don't have the glass sensor thing. They did scratch the paint from where they pried the window, I have full glass coverage and I just got a new window today...no tint on it yet and I hate it, it feels like I'm in a fishbowl. lol. I have limo all they way around but I need to know what % to get the two front doors, I want it just dark enough to see in...so any suggestions would be great...I guess it couldve been worse, I did have my backpack w/ my laptop in the back seat, sunglasses and cd's.

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